Investing in real-estate is easy and seamless now through tokenization. Real estate offers steady cash flow opportunities via rental income. With Landshare, you can enter

the real estate market for as little as $50

The #LandShare Token (LAND) is the native utility and governance token for Landshare. $LAND sits at the heart of all platform features, serving as means of payment, access, voting, and more. It comprises one of the two tokens available to users, along with the upcoming RWA Token.

RWA Token Summarized

The RWA Token is a security token that enables real estate investment on Landshare. Unlike $LAND, the RWA Token requires KYC to purchase.

Each #RWA Token represents a share of a pool of US-based real estate assets. The value of each RWA Token grows proportionally with the value of underlying properties and the cash flow they produce, allowing investors to benefit by simply holding over time.

The RWA Token is an excellent choice for users looking to invest directly into real estate on the blockchain. To learn more about the RWA Token, check out our previous article Landshare RWA Token: Utilities and Tokenomics.

What are the utilities of $LAND?


NFT Ecosystem

RWA Fees & Payment


LAND Tokenomics — an Updated Look

Total Supply: 4,186,897

Circulating Supply: 4,157,149

Supply Cap (effective): 9,981,683

Daily emissions: ~2050

Burn Mechanisms

RWA Token Purchases: Each RWA Token purchase will be paid 10% in LAND Tokens, all of which are burned.

NFT Ecosystem: Any tokens collected as fees for minting new NFTs, property slots, or buying power are burned.

Elective DAO Burns: The DAO can vote to burn any number of tokens from its treasury fund, which comprises 2.5% of all tokens generated as well as Auto LAND staking fees.

Landshare is about closing the gap between real estate and DeFi — and we achieve this through our two tokens, LAND and RWA. Each token serves a complimentary function in the Landshare ecosystem, and both are equally crucial to its success.
