📎Market overview

The weekly trading session started with a slight positive note.

📌The volume of industrial profits in China has been negative since the beginning of the year, the maximum losses were recorded in March, more than 22%. However, starting in April, the situation began to improve and profits began to grow. And although the industry in China has still not come out of the red on an annualized basis, losses have decreased significantly. In October, the reduction in losses amounted to 1.2% from -9% to -7.8%.

📌There was no significant news in Europe today; we can only note a slight increase in the total number of unemployed in France.

📌The news in the USA was contradictory.

The number of building permits issued increased by 1.8%, most likely a consequence of a decrease in average mortgage rates. But sales of new housing fell sharply this time, by 5.6%. After the release of this news, the dollar strengthened moderately.

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