Xiaodie’s market analysis today:

At present, the price of BTC has been in a high and volatile state for quite some time, unable to break through the previous high. Over a period of time, it takes longer to judge the direction of the market than it does to rise. There are already some signs of weakness on the 4-hour chart. If support is not found on smaller time frames before hitting $67,200, the trend could drop again. This situation may take some time to resolve. Xiaodie believes that before the halving, the market may experience a large-scale washout.

The current price of Auntai is 3373.44. It didn’t break through in the previous period, so it’s here now. It has also reached the strong support position. If this position cannot be raised in a short time, it will go directly to the 3000 position. It will also be affected by the halving of the pie, so it may be more difficult to get it during this period.