A real contribution from a student with WeChat nickname: 50,000 Lives University

How to make 1 million from 5,000 in three years

I entered the currency circle with a principal of 5,000 yuan as a freshman, and now I hold a position of 1,000,000 yuan as a senior.

I entered the currency circle in 2021. I was initially confused and started speculating in altcoins. After 519 plummeted, I lost a lot, losing 3,000 yuan.

In mid-2021, I started buying coinlist accounts and wanted to make money through public offerings. As a result, the seller ran away and lost 2,000 yuan. I have been in the currency circle for half a year, collecting all kinds of information every day and making various efforts. Not only did I not make money, but I lost money.

In September, dydx, a decentralized contract platform, airdropped, with a single number of hundreds of thousands, which shocked me, and I decided to develop in the direction of airdrops.

In October, I didn’t dare to work on Ethereum mainnet projects because I didn’t have any capital, so I started working on various low-cost airdrop projects.

In December, Lyra, a decentralized option project, airdropped. I received an airdrop of 5,000 yuan because I said five sentences in Lyra’s discord group. It has been a year since I entered the cryptocurrency industry, and I can barely break even. Making money also delayed my studies

In the first three months of 2022, I have been playing airdrops, matcha, slingshot, clipper, superfluid, etc., as long as they are cheap, I have played (in fact, these projects have not been airdropped yet)

In April, there was airdrop news from Optimism, the second-layer protocol of Ethereum. I took 2496 OP tokens and later sold them for 2w RMB. The cost was about 50 US dollars. After I tasted some benefits from the airdrop, I started to continue to airdrop. During the summer vacation, while I was learning to drive, I was working on interactive zksync, zigzag, agent, rabbit, safe, and countless other projects.

In the aptos airdrop of the layer1 project based on the move language developed by the Facebook team in October, I received an account and sold it for 7,000 yuan (actually I was eligible for five accounts, but they expired because I forgot to claim them)

On November 30th, due to the epidemic, I came home early from school. During the seven days of isolation at home, I worked on a project called Arbitum, the layer 2 solution of Ethereum. I made 13 accounts, and during the Chinese New Year, I interacted with a hundred accounts sui network’s test network. I have been in the currency circle for two years and have earned less than 20,000 yuan.

Time soon came to 23 years

At the end of February, the exchange zigzag on zksync 1.0 announced an airdrop. I got the airdropped zz token and sold it for 4w.

In mid-March, Arbitum announced the airdrop. At the end of March, I received the airdrop and sold all of them, making a profit of 160,000.