#BTC #热门话题

After making a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle, will the bank ask about the source of the money?

I have talked about how to find 100x coins before. If you make a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle and want to withdraw money, will the bank ask about the source of the money? How should you withdraw money safely?

First of all, it is certain that it will, and it is not as simple as asking you.

Here are three big cases around me (melon eating reward).

Case 1: I don’t know if you remember when Luna was issued, you could do bricks on the exchange at that time. My friend’s withdrawal was blocked by Binance, and Binance made up for it half a month later (I have to admire Binance’s pattern). Luna pulled hundreds of times when it was stuck in half a month, and I made more than 100 million because of this. He used to be called Mr. Lei, but now people say: Xiao Lei, it’s still easy to make money, and you can easily make hundreds of millions a day. Then he withdrew 50 million on OKX and was arrested. He was asked for 20 million when he went in, and he found someone and spent 10 million to get out. After I got out, it was Mr. Lei again. He helped to popularize knowledge and think of ways to cash out.

Case 2: A network, which was very popular at the beginning, was investigated because an agent Gaga made a withdrawal, which led to too much turnover. When the investigation reached the Chengdu headquarters, A network was defeated. When it was attacked, the hardware wallet of A network was in the office. Since then, A network has directly closed down. Otherwise, such a profitable exchange would run away?

Case 3: The top flow of such a large fil mining. Because of a small withdrawal case of tens of thousands of yuan, the founder was arrested. At that time, he promised to share the big head and then release it. Then FIL plummeted and could not be taken out. One head fell. (When they calculated to pull me in, I didn’t do it) Don’t panic after reading these cases. It is obvious that either you have a lot of money or you are targeted. Generally, if you make a few million, as long as the withdrawal does not involve black money and is not all at once, there is no problem.

A few days ago, a fan asked me that he wanted to withdraw 10-20 million, and he could find clean funds by himself. What should he do if he is afraid of bank risk control. It's very simple. Take some cash and deposit it in the bank (try to deposit it in your own city). After depositing it, open a gold card and have your own customer service manager. Then hand it over to your exclusive customer service manager, who will give you perfect avoidance.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me.Whether it is spot or Heyue, a small move may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a sharp eye to judge the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Follow me and you will have already succeeded in the currency circle!