At 7 o'clock this morning, the market price rushed to around US$71,400 and then retreated under pressure. The long and short competition was evenly matched, and everyone was struggling. It is still out of the shock range. It seems that operation in April is not easy.

The longer the horizontal line is, the higher the vertical line is. The longer the friction of this box is, the more violent the market fluctuations will be. The explosive head was sentenced, and some of the leeks will get some compensation in June without any surprises. If it were China, it would probably be confiscated like the pls wallet. It seems that the laws of the United States are still more sound than ours.

Single jump is suitable for Bollinger tactics, but it does test your execution ability and stop loss speed. The possibility of closing the negative line this month is still quite high, but the good news is that the lower support is slowly moving up to around 58,000. The halving is approaching, just like a storm is about to happen. There are currently undercurrents surging, and both bulls and bears are accumulating forces. At the moment, we cannot blindly stand in line and have to wait for the true direction to come out. At this time, what matters is patience.

I now deeply feel that the consumption downgrade trend of China's economy is getting more and more intense. The moment Lei Jun reproduced the Xiaomi version of Porsche, it seems to indicate that the vast majority of people in China have no money, and the wealthy elite have gone to Singapore and Dubai. The only ones left to continue to roll in the rest of the trading game are you and me.

At present, the market is not as good as the bottom-hunting position in the stock market next door. The Shanghai Composite Index was supported by the bull-bear dividing line last Thursday, and has stabilized and rebounded slightly for three consecutive days. From a morphological point of view, the risk of A shares is much lower than that of B circles. Therefore, good asset allocation is the magic weapon for you to never fail in the capital market. Because the ancestors are always right, eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Even though many people have lived for decades and a half, they still have a big cognitive misunderstanding, thinking that there is no so-called iron rice bowl these days. If you look at the manufacturing industry within the Northeast system and see whether it has retained the pace of young people leaving their hometowns to develop, you will know that anyone who does not change their thinking will be severely thrown off the train that is being carried by the torrent of the times. At present, the best places in the country may be Suzhou, Hangzhou, Hainan and Daya Bay, Shenzhen. Unfortunately, the competition is fierce and there is no place for ordinary people in those cities without special skills. Of course, it's another matter if you can endure living in a small house, away from your loved ones, and working alone, but it still cannot break the fate of this generation of people without pensions. So whether you have money or not, you have no sense of security.

You must not look for a shabby job. Many companies are struggling to make ends meet, and the bosses are taking things one step at a time for the future. One second he was the richest man, and the next second he might be thrown into hell. This is dictated by the national conditions. You can tell by looking at whether Wanda and Wang Jianlin are feeling uncomfortable right now. If you sell something, you will get involved in public disputes in the world. There is no peace in foreign countries, and no one can stay out of it. The talent market has become a direct recruitment by the boss, but if you look at it, except for sales, it is just a useless service-type job that wastes your life.

Web3, the last piece of pure land, has also been turbulent by waste products, and the rules of the game have been reshaped by Wall Street. No one can escape the black hand of capital and become a victim or even cannon fodder in the power game, but we would rather be like Ding Crab in "The Big Era" Several sons, who had lost their money and bungee-jumped from high-rise buildings in Hong Kong, did not want to become the flag bearers of the money and influence of Gouzhuang. The bull market wins vigorously, and the bear market loses calmly.

What makes me happy is that the foreign exchange EA quantitative robot strategy is becoming more and more perfect. After I test it and make stable profits in April, I will launch it to the market. At that time, it will become the most stable strategy in the amazing foreign exchange industry. Slow work makes fine work. The winning rate of contract orders was quite high throughout March. The monthly insurance premium of 100 oil buys a sense of inner certainty. Friends who have not come to experience it should not always wait outside the door. You are wasting this great market and the time cost is very high.

There will be a lot of blockchain forums and summits in April, and all kinds of scythe project parties will come out to cause trouble. Hong Kong and Dubai will become the distribution centers for web3 gamblers, and roadshows and wholesales will soon be in the eyes of retail investors. Keep your pockets covered, maybe the halving in April is the real harvest season for Dog Farm. . . . . .