1. People with moles at the corners of their mouths can usually achieve great things.

2. People with thick lips are generally more honest.

3. People with large and thick earlobes are generally blessed with great fortune.

4. People with thin lips are generally mean.

5. People who wear watches are generally arrogant.

6. People who like to turn over dishes when eating are generally very selfish.

7. People who walk quickly and have a straight back usually have something special about them.

8. Stingy people are more miserly.

9. People who dress simply pay attention to self-cultivation.

10. People who are keen on group activities are not worthy of deep friendship.

11. People who like to express summaries are mostly self-righteous.

12. Most of the people in front of you are more reliable when making ugly remarks.

13. The person who is the best at toasting at the banquet is the least trustworthy.

14. People who roll their eyes easily tend to hold grudges and have a strong desire for revenge. 15. People who recognize the excellence of others will have good popularity.

16. People who are good at apologising, can take things up and let them go, know the importance of adversity, and have clear goals.

17. People who speak inconsistently have no better character.

18. People with weak aura tend to follow the crowd, and most of them follow the crowd, making it difficult to achieve success.

19. Most people who appear gentle on the surface have a boring heart.

20. People who smile when they see everyone may not have real friends.

21. Those who are good at hiding their strength are the real masters.

22. People who show off their talents are easily envied.

23. The more arrogant a person is at ordinary times, the more cowardly he will be when he shows his true nature.

24. People who worry too much are destined to have a miserable life.

25. People who are informal are more easy-going.

26. People who like to flatter others also like to bully others.

27. Most people with stupid mouths are honest at heart.

28. Bald men generally have high IQ and strong sense of logic.

29. If a person has a very high level but does not do well, it is most likely because he has a good character.

30. People who kiss with their eyes open are generally scumbags.

31. The real strong man is not to keep his head up to the powerful, but to be kind to the weak.

32. Most people who are doing well in their lives do not have a high level of education.

33. The more beautiful a person’s shoes are, the more introverted he or she is.

34. People who cry after drinking are generally kind-hearted.

35. Find someone short.

36. Ask for directions and look for fat people.

37. Find someone who is thin when you work.

38. Find partners who are weaker than you.

39. When looking for a marriage partner, you must find someone you like.

40. People with great talents and great wisdom generally don’t seem to be very gregarious.

41. People who are shameless when borrowing money will also resist when paying back money.

42. Girls who like to flip their hair when chatting with you usually mean they like you very much.

43. People who like to change their avatars frequently will have their emotions and anger reflected on their faces.

44. Most people who keep saying they are leaving will never leave, and those who actually leave usually don’t speak.

45. People who are often late for work have little sense of responsibility.

46. ​​A truly angry person is the same as slamming the table and roaring.

47. People who like to bite straws are more lustful.

48. The more people like to bully the weak, the more respectful they are to the strong.

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