Today is Monday. Pay attention to the currency price fluctuations after 10 pm. There will definitely be a big market in April. The pie will be halved in the middle of the month and the cz will be pronounced at the end of the month. Institutions and project parties will inevitably take action in advance. After all, this thing is still controlled by capital. It has been fluctuating sideways for three weeks. Can you still hold on to it? Various types of cryptocurrencies have been lurking for a long time. Let’s look at the Hong Kong sector first, and then look at the three-coin integration of artificial intelligence. What should come will come, and they will definitely be able to surpass the fluctuations of the market. The follow-up is still waiting for the ether to exert its force. Spot players all need to be patient. If you want to make money steadily in the currency circle, please follow me.