Steps to play Pixels and earn money:

1. Register and create an account:

🔸Go to the official Pixels website:

🔸Select the registration option you prefer: Ronin, Metamask or email/phone.

🔸Create an account and make sure you have a wallet compatible with the Ronin network.

In this way you can see the initial section of pixels

2. Get familiar with the game:

🔸Explore the game's interface and tutorials to understand the basic mechanics.

🔸Investigate the different activities available, such as agriculture, mining, construction and commerce.

🔸Join the Pixels community on Discord or forums for tips and information.

By carrying out the previous steps you will then be able to log in and it will look like this

3. Choose a game strategy:

🔸Decide if you want to focus on farming, construction, exploration, or a combination of activities.

🔸Research which resources and NFTs are valuable in the current gaming market.

🔸Define your investment goals and playing time to determine the best strategy for you.

Then you should focus on uploading all your skills in the game

4. Invest in the game (optional):

If you want to unlock additional benefits and increase your earning potential, you can consider purchasing NFTs such as lands, tools, or characters.

Research carefully before making any investment and remember that the value of NFTs can fluctuate.

The price of Pixels currently at the time of writing this post, Reference: Binance

5. Start playing and win:

🔸Complete tasks and challenges to earn $Pixel , the in-game currency.

🔸Gather resources, craft items, and sell them on the in-game market to other players.

🔸Build on your land and rent space to other players or sell your land if it increases in value.

🔸Participate in events and tournaments to win additional prizes and rewards.

Pixels are obtained through tasks, the panel generates tasks where you can obtain COIN or Daily PIXEL

Additional Tips:

🔸Be patient and consistent: making money in Pixels takes time and effort.

🔸Diversify your activities so you don't depend on a single source of income.

🔸Stay up to date with news and changes in the game to adapt your strategy.

🔸Remember that gambling is an entertainment activity and not just a source of income.

🔸Remember that there is no guarantee of profits in Pixels. It is important to play responsibly and make informed decisions. Research, learn and enjoy the game while exploring the possibilities of generating income.

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If you want to learn more about Pixels, here are some places to start:

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