There's something you won't hear often, but you should definitely know: You'll earn much more by selling your cryptocurrencies too early than too late. Don't be too greedy, it will cause you to lose.

When you make a profit, don't try to make too much profit: learn to stop and sell. Many people say, when they experience a loss on an investment, "it wasn't sold, it wasn't lost!" I see you say. This is an extremely stupid statement because it implies that it will rise later without us knowing it, but more importantly it also goes the other way: not sold, not earned.

I knew dozens of crypto millionaires in the previous bull market, which saw them rebuilding their lives, moving to other countries, buying magnificent villas... and in the end they got caught by the market and did not sell in time: they lost a total of several million euros and went back to their normal lives, going to work every morning.

It's hard, but it's a return to reality. Your profits in crypto are not secured until you sell, and you should always keep in mind that the market can return to its highest price levels at any time without returning. Some crypto fanatics in the comments will say no, this will continue forever: Don't listen to them, they have no certainty about the direction of the market in the coming days. Neither they nor I nor anyone knows where the market will go.

Therefore, consider paying yourself by regularly selling your cryptocurrencies at a profit: otherwise, you risk losing a lot and falling into depression, believe me, this happens very often