The second phase of BounceBit testnet is officially launched⛓️

Following the official launch of the first phase of the @bounce_bit testnet - @BounceBitClub on March 8, we are pleased to announce that the second phase of the testnet - the App Store (App Store) is officially launched today 👏

👨‍💻In the second phase, we will focus on building the BounceBit App Store, encouraging developers to deploy their#dAppson the BounceBit test network, and put them on the App Store after passing team review🖲️

Below we’ve summarized some of the highlights worth noting 🧵

1⃣Deploy DApp on BounceBit testnet

The second phase of the testnet provides developers with an opportunity to deploy applications on the BounceBit chain first. The application store includes DApps incubated internally by BounceBit, as well as DApps developed by community contributors or external projects👨‍💻

Developers can submit a PR (Pull Request) in BounceBit's GitHub repository, which will then be reviewed by the BounceBit team.

We will prioritize listing DApps on the BounceBit App Store based on product performance. Application process▶️

The support we provide for successfully listed DApps includes:

📢Market support: DApps successfully listed will be widely exposed on @BounceBitClub’s social media and communities. At the same time, we will invite you to participate in BounceBit’s future online and offline activities as a community partner🎙️

📊Data Analysis: Developers will be able to access data related to application performance metrics and user engagement to track the performance of their DApps📈

❓User feedback collection: The BounceBit team will collect user feedback through the community to provide developers with real-time insights🧐

2⃣ Provide stress testing for DApps

The BounceClub community plays a vital role in evaluating the performance of DApps and identifying security vulnerabilities 🛡️

We invited @BounceBitClub users to participate in experiencing all the apps listed. Club owners can add DApps to their BounceClub, while regular users can interact with their associated DApps while exploring different Clubs 🎮

Passing community stress testing will help improve the resilience and reliability of the#BounceBitecosystem and provide a smooth and secure operating environment for all BounceBit users 🙆‍♂️