#山寨币 #热门话题

Playing copycats, losing money is exciting and fun

The altcoin market rises and falls from time to time, and ordinary traders simply don’t know how to grasp it. Altcoins are inherently distrustful, and small traders who hold the coins have no confidence. They will be tricked when they rise, and they will be cut off when they fall. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to buy a coin and it will rise several times, but there are very few people who can really hold on and not sell it. For example, if you buy 1 unit of currency and it drops to 0.8 units, you want to wait; after a few days it drops to 0.7, you start to get a little anxious; after a few days it drops to 0.6, you start to think about whether Cut off the flesh. As a result, the currency price rises to 1.2, and you feel happy; when it rises to 1.5, you are happy; when it falls to 1.1, you want to wait; when it falls to 0.9, you regret why you did not take action when it rose; when it falls to 0.7, you You are even more upset; it has risen to 1.1 again, you have been mentally broken by the fluctuation of currency prices, and you have sold it after making a small profit. Then you start to pay attention to other coins. After a while, you look back and realize that this coin has risen to 10 units. You can only curse yourself secretly and regret that you didn't hold on.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary traders to have the patience to hold long-term in the altcoin market. When the market rises, it always fluctuates, and when it falls, it also falls continuously. You may have seized the opportunity of several increases and reduced your losses, but in the end you still only want the currency price to rise back up without losing money or even making some money. But in fact, this is the mentality of a gambler, and it is even worse in the currency circle. If you lose money, you will want to make it back even more, so you will desperately invest in altcoins, or even compete against them. There may be a few small opportunities to save something in the middle, but in the end it is still difficult to control yourself. This mentality is like playing gold and paper, betting continuously until you lose everything.

When playing altcoins in the currency circle, you may make money sometimes, but in the end you will lose money. Because you are not the owner of the altcoin and do not know the true situation of this coin, you can only see some superficial information. The possibility of an altcoin explosion is very small. It is more likely to be manipulated by market makers to increase the hype, and then fluctuate and fall. After the bear market, it will fall silent. When you have faith in a certain altcoin, it is easy to hold on to it, and the final result is likely to be a loss of everything.

In the currency circle, ordinary traders should not easily believe their own feelings and perceptions. The market will teach you a lesson. It's easy to go from 1 to 100, and it's just as easy to go from 100 to 1. But many times you may not have the opportunity to participate in the process of the currency price rising from 1 to 80. By the time you know it, it may have already risen to 80. Therefore, for altcoins, it is best for ordinary investors not to have too much faith. Remember, as long as you are still playing in the currency circle and keep playing altcoins, the final result will often be losses.

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