Some people say that altcoins have not risen?

Starting from the bottom, except for the altcoins that will be delisted (such as XMR), there is basically nothing that will not rise. It's just that the increase rate is different, some are 100 times, some are 40 times, some are 20 times, some are 10 times, some are 2 times, 3 times, 5 times.

But you cannot ask all altcoins to rise dozens of times. That is unlikely. This era has passed.

General decline, general rise, and differentiation are all a process of gradual evolution of the capital market. This is the case for U.S. stocks and A-shares.

The same will be true in the currency circle.

Therefore, we should focus on speculating on sub-new products. The probability of sub-new products being taken off the shelves is low, there are fewer hold-up orders, and it is easier to pull up the market. Just look at WLD, PHB, PENDLE, SUI, etc. There are a lot of them. Which one has a smaller increase?

I often emphasize that when engaging in projects, you should choose projects that involve Americans or even are founded by Americans. This is not about worshiping foreigners, but based on a core point - the long-arm jurisdiction of the United States.

Once U.S. project parties are involved in escaping or committing fraud, they will face legal sanctions and even jail time. Projects involving Americans have the ability to defend their rights globally when they encounter losses. For example, Do Kwon of Luna and Su Zhu of Three Arrows Capital have both paid a heavy price for this.

This strict legal environment provides investors with a sense of trust and reduces frictional costs, thereby promoting innovation, which is the key to staying competitive.

On the contrary, some projects deliberately exclude Americans from participation, often because they are afraid of Americans’ ability to defend their rights. We should be extremely vigilant about this type of project, as its purpose and potential risks are self-evident.