Entangle Protocol Liquidity provision integrations with TraderJoe newly launched Auto-Pools a "set-and-forget" yield farming solution that can be activated with a single click on Liquidity Book.

Liquidity Book provides users with a feature that allows them to set an active price range for the assets they want to contribute as liquidity, earning trading fees in return.

A similar mechanism with a few unique twists: Traders Zero slippage Liquidity Providers, Volatility accumulator that applies a variable fee, Builders Fungible liquidity enhances composability.

The task of providing liquidity often demands consistent position management, consuming valuable time. This time could instead be used more effectively for devising yield strategies or touching grass.

With the new Auto-Pools feature, automatic position management for the liquidity book is now unlocked. This means users who prefer not to manage their positions manually can use Auto-Pools for a more simplified and streamlined experience.

Entangle auto-compounds LP Token on yield farms facilitated by Trader Joe (once its live).

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