Will the rise and fall of the currency circle really scare people to death?

During the bull market in 2017

A new coin has been added to a certain fire platform

The issue price was 50 cents when it first went up, and it didn’t take long to reach 10,000.

I clicked in and wanted to buy and saw that the price was 5,000 per second and 10,000 per second. I understood it instantly and retreated.

Finally, within a few hours, the price returned to 5 cents.

10,000 to 5 cents, just a few hours.

Later, it was on the news that someone took out a loan of more than 1 million yuan to buy this coin, and bought it at a high point.

Then you can figure out how much is left.

In the end, he jumped directly from the building.

What's even more outrageous is that because this cut was so severe, a bunch of people went downstairs to pull up banners.

In the end, the platform couldn't handle Yali and refunded the money. . .

That brother died in vain. . . #币圈生存 #牛市 #BTC

It takes three years to enter the industry, five years to master it, and ten years to become the king. Trading is not about getting rich in one go, but about reasonable profits that can be long-term, stable, sustainable, and highly probable, so that you can continuously obtain wealth. Professionalism creates value and details determine success or failure.

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!