Hot search list: ETHFI's popularity has increased, rising by 28.51% in 24H. The popularity ranking shows that ETHFI's popularity has increased by 840,000 compared with yesterday, ranking first. The popularity ranking is as follows:

① ETHFI ($6.22, 28.51%)

② YGG ($1.18, -2.48%)

③ OP ($3.82, -2.55%)

④ ONDO ($0.8636, -6.74%)

⑤ ICP ($19.14, 0.37%)

The selling power of ETHFI's main funds was average, with a net outflow of $2.7977 million in 24 hours, and a transaction volume of $2.066 billion in 24 hours, of which the main net inflow was $5.0647 million.

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