According to the market capital and contract chips, #BTC will face the risk of correction. The current changes in chips are similar to the previous wave of rise. After the rise, there will be a correction and then a new high.

During a market correction, looking for overheated tokens (where long chips are concentrated) to short is an effective strategy to catch short-term rapid declines. For example, #ETHW #RSR and so on.

🏄🏼 03/26 The concentration of chips is biased toward neutral, with 4 tokens concentrated on the short side and 4 tokens concentrated on the long side. $RSR $MEME $XAI

💡The concentration of chips represents the concentration of long and short positions of perpetual traders. It is a chip analysis indicator. The higher the long/short concentration ratio, it means that traders are bullish/downward on the currency, and the lower the concentration ratio, it means that the chips are relatively dispersed. The original data of Blave's position concentration comes from exchange contract positions.

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