🚀 injective releases ionic upgrade of Injective Bridge

🌍Ionic upgrade brings cross-chain interoperability into a new era! Now, users can bridge to Injective from major chains like Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos with one click. Simplified deposit functionality, comprehensive transaction history, and state-of-the-art transfer tracking.

The Ionic upgrade not only improves Injective’s bridging experience, it also opens up new possibilities for Web3 finance enthusiasts and developers. Now, anyone can easily deposit to Injective with one click from any network, enjoying unprecedented interoperability and efficiency.

✨Main features:

🔥 One-Click Bridging: Allows easy deposits from networks like Ethereum and Polygon, supporting major assets like USDT and wETH.

🌉 Seamless chain access: Convenient transfers from various chains, including EVM and non-EVM chains, through a user-friendly deposit framework.

🔍 Extended Transaction Monitoring: Users can monitor every step of the bridging process and have the option to view transactions on the Initial Chain Explorer and Injective Explorer after assets are bridged.

⚡ Enhanced Ethereum Compatibility: Injective’s compatibility with ETH is further highlighted by lightning-fast transfer times for deposits and withdrawals.

📚 Comprehensive bridging history: Provides detailed transfer history including timestamps, transaction hashes and wallets involved.

💸 Near 0 gas: Combined with gas compression to significantly reduce transaction fees.

🛠Technology and Compatibility

Previously, tokens bridged to Injective via Wormhole were designated CW20 tokens. While these tokens serve their purpose, they lack the seamless interoperability required for optimal performance in an Injective environment. CW20 tokens, while functional, need to go through a process of conversion into Bank tokens to unlock their full potential in the ecosystem. This conversion facilitates compatibility with essential components such as on-chain order modules and dApps across the ecosystem.

With direct integration of Wormhole Gateway via Ionic upgrade, users no longer need to manually convert bridge assets into Bank assets. Now, with the new upgrade, this process happens automatically, significantly enhancing the seamlessness and efficiency of end-user bridging.

#热门话题 #Injective #INJ #DeFi #Solana🚀