I used all my savings to understand human nature in the currency circle...

Today I want to talk about my experience in the currency circle in the past few years. First of all, I want to express my position: firstly, I will not blame anyone for winning or losing, the path is chosen by myself; secondly, I will not give up, I will Continue to fight to the end. I believe in fate but I don't accept it easily.

Speaking of blockchain, digital currency, and Bitcoin, I believe most people’s first reaction is: scam! Various recharge beliefs every day, one coin for one villa, one coin for one young model... There is indeed a misunderstanding in this, because blockchain is a technology, and digital currency or Bitcoin just combines this It is an application that is relatively early and mature in terms of technology application and implementation. In plain language, programming code itself is a technology, but some hackers use it to attack other people's computers or websites and commit crimes. So there is nothing right or wrong about blockchain technology itself. After understanding this relationship, let’s talk about the digital currency represented by Bitcoin. Like many things, it itself has no value. But if a circle of people agree that it has value, then it has value. It can also be said that This is the consensus mechanism. Just like some calligraphy and paintings, in the eyes of ordinary people, they do not have great value. They may only have some decorative functions, but in the antique world they may be extremely valuable. I think this is almost the same truth.

Most people who enter the currency circle should come with the mentality of getting rich suddenly, and then gradually become old leeks from new leeks. The currency circle is divided into primary market and secondary market. The primary market is mainly the issuance market or mining. The secondary market is the trading market, that is, the buying and selling market. Buy low and sell high. I mostly play secondary market. level market.

When I first entered the currency circle, I didn’t understand many things. I used the Internet or the promotional materials of some exchanges to supplement my knowledge of the currency circle. At that time, I could stay up all night studying various theories and various technical analysis lines, thinking that I understood it. Once you get it, you can show your talents in the currency circle and achieve financial freedom. After a period of study, there were basically no problems with the operation of the exchange. Then I recharged a few thousand yuan and started practicing. When I first started speculating in coins, I kept staring at the market. My mood was like a roller coaster following the market trend. Sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down. Even when taking a shower, I have to keep my phone next to me and stare at it. The secondary market in the currency circle includes mainstream coins, altcoins, air coins, MLM coins, etc. As a novice, I think Of course, at the beginning, I chose relatively stable mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Even if I lose money, I won’t lose everything in an instant. But I won’t make a lot of money every time because my principal is relatively small. Later, I felt that playing mainstream requires a larger amount of funds. It is better to find a good spot to invest in the game for the long term. However, I think that if I had a large amount of funds, I would not come to speculate in coins. Since I came to the currency circle, I just want to get rich. , I just want to use my small skills to make a big difference, and turn my bicycle into a motorcycle!Ha ha!

I have been playing with mainstream currencies for a while, and I have been pretty lucky. Ling Ling always made no losses and should have made a little profit. I feel like I understand the tricks a little bit, and then I slowly started to get in touch with some communities and so-called big guys. The amount of information is relatively larger than mine. Various new coins are launched every day. Of course, most of them are altcoins. When the market is good, there will be a lot of chatter in the group every day. It feels like everyone in the group is talented, good-looking, and nice to talk. When the market is bad, no one talks to me for a day. Altcoin is the place where I grew the fastest, because it was also the place where I fell the hardest. Every time I was at a low level, I didn’t get on the bus. When I got on the bus, I stood guard at the top of the mountain. That feeling of being stuck was the same as standing guard. The feeling on the rooftop is exactly the same. At that time, I saw a coin rising every day, and I felt that it would definitely not rise tomorrow, but would fall down. It would continue to rise tomorrow, and then the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow... I couldn't stand it anymore, I couldn't bear it. Stay, recharge 10,000 yuan and get on the bus! Hey, I got on the bus and it went up. Now it’s 10,200, 10,300, 10,500. This feeling is so comfortable! I had to go out and wash my feet in the evening to treat myself. After washing my feet, I went home and lay on the bed, and I yelled in my heart, "Fuck!"

It’s a smash! Only 5,000 yuan left! At this time, two villains were arguing in my heart: What should I do? To sell or not? If you don't sell it, it will be pulled up. If you sell it, forget it if you lose 5,000 yuan. If it doesn't work, you can't sell it. You can't just lose 5,000 yuan in vain. It's too late, it's so fast, damn! Smashed again, only 1,000 left! Damn it! It was getting colder, and a song came out spontaneously - it was dark, I opened WeChat, the group was boiling, and they yelled: Dog Village! Hit the dog farm! Then some people began to organize rights protection groups, set up WeChat rights protection groups, and denounced Gouzhuang. This was the first time I encountered this battle. I had to participate in it. Gouzhuang was so abominable! We were all filled with indignation. Some of us wanted to go find the dog farm, and some of us wanted to form a group to call the police. I stayed up all night that night and couldn’t even think about it. Almost 10,000 yuan was just wasted. The result is predictable. The result is that there is no result. So far, I have not seen anyone successfully defend their rights in the currency circle. It is just a waste of time.This was the first time I paid tuition, and I still remember it vividly. #币圈生存 #炒币

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!