You have your own style of big-character posters, and I have my own style. Everyone should play their own way.

Don't look at other people's opinions, stop playing tricks, it's useless to join forces with me. If you see me gnashing your teeth, you can just block me, so that you can't see it and you can make your big-character posters with peace of mind.

Few of those who accompany wine go to sell, and few who go to sell do so with wine.

There are not many people who want to follow orders and few people who want to learn, and there are not many people who want to follow orders. They are people with different styles. Don’t even try to take your seat!

If I am a single person and post in group chats, I will post my strategies at least 2 days a week and post in group chats 5 days a week. If people make money by sharing their strategies with you, they will come to you. It’s a very simple principle.

So I talk about trading, and when people understand trading with me, they can make money, and it will come naturally.

In addition, don’t think that everyone is a soft persimmon. Sometimes you only find the other person’s durian when you want to pinch it! That would be embarrassing~

#跟着驰哥学交易 #BTC