The time is right, the @zksync airdrop is confirmed, and the $MIND airdrop has been confirmed for the third quarter of 2024, supported by Binance

Cost: 0
Time: 10 minutes
Potential profit: $6,600

Airdrop Guide

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Mind Network is a decentralized network for protecting and encrypting user data. Mind Network is a zero-trust layer that provides data security and privacy solutions, providing true cross-chain scalability and compliance.

The project has raised $2.5 million from the likes of Binance Labs, Chainlink Labs, and Big Brain Holdings, and is also a participant in the Binance Incubation Program.

Here are the steps on Metamask wallet:

Visit: daw
Click on "Install Metamask on Chrome"
Download Metamask Wallet
Create a password
Write down your seed phrase

Here are the steps regarding the Polygon Mumbai chain:

Go to:
Connect your wallet
Click “Add to Metamask”
Signing the transaction


Go to:
Connect your Discord account
Enter your wallet address
Click "Submit"

Go to:
Connect your Metamask wallet
Enter your friend's wallet address
Click "Transfer"

Galxe Events
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Complete as many tasks as possible

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Connect your wallet
Cast at least one article

Zealy Mission
Connect your wallet, Twitter and Discord accounts
Complete all available quests
Collect points and characters