What is black money?

If the buying price in the C2C trading market is lower than the selling price, theoretically, you can buy 1,000 USDT at 7.34, and then sell 1,000 USDT at 7.38, making a net profit of 0.04*1,000=40 dollars=280 yuan.

You can make arbitrage in a continuous cycle.

But the market is not a fool, and the profit margin has been smoothed out long ago.

The reason for this is that the merchant who uses legal currency to buy USDT (that is, listed at 7.38) has black money in it, so he is willing to buy USDT at a cost higher than the market price to get rid of the black money in his hand, and you become a money launderer. helper.

In 2018 and before, the C2C market was relatively normal. Later, all kinds of black money such as telecommunications fraud were trying to go through the C2C market in the currency circle.

Those who track down black money are now more strict about this area. When encountering cards through which black money flows, they will freeze them to cooperate with the investigation. Black money behaves very much like an infectious disease.

It is highly contagious and latent and cannot be seen on the surface. So it brings two characteristics:

1. As long as this card receives black money, it will be infected and may be frozen. If this card is transferred to any card, it will infect new cards.

2. You don’t know which card or money is problematic before it’s frozen. You won’t know until it’s frozen, so it’s somewhat hard to prevent.

How to deal with the problem of black money when withdrawing money 1. When withdrawing money, look for merchants with large transaction volume and long registration time and normal prices (the selling price is lower than the market buying price). Don’t be greedy for small gains: generally, if the transaction volume is more than 2,000 transactions, the registration time is one year. Above, the price is lower than the purchase price. However, the transaction volume is small, and within one month of registration, almost all of the top few prices have problems.

2. Use empty cards that are not commonly used to collect money. The amount on a single card should not be too large. Each card should only trade with one merchant as much as possible. The credit card should be isolated for 1-3 months and transferred to the main card after it is not frozen. Because we don’t know which merchant has the problem, it’s purely a probability, so we need to reduce the loss caused by being frozen. With this method of isolating first, even if one is frozen, it won't be a big problem. It will be dealt with later.