🚨🚨🚨 Attention to those still seeing red! 🚨🚨🚨

So, you're still in the red zone? I bet you missed out on the first rally. How do I know? Well, if you hadn't, you'd be seeing some gains by now. 😆

DON'T SELL 😡. The market is just starting to pick up, and you're thinking of selling? In the red zone? Seriously???

Listen, I made a mistake years ago in the market. I sold too early, thinking the rally was over. But instead, BTC shot up. 🤦‍♀️💸

Okay, so the market is struggling right now, hovering around 65k. This is the time! It's time to buy more! Remember, buy LOW, sell HIGH, not the other way around. 🤦‍♀️

Don't wait. If you do, the market could suddenly take off, and you'll end up buying high out of fear of missing out (FOMO). Then, you'll hope for more gains while the big players are leaving. Congratulations, you're wrecked.

SO DON'T GET WRECKED. The best move right now is to BUY MORE. It's like a fire sale, come on! Buy while you still have the chance. Do your research, then invest in the same coins you trust. Or maybe diversify if that suits you better. You'll see your average cost decrease over time, and months later, you'll see the magic. That's Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) for you.

*And please, stay away from futures if you're not sure what you're doing :)

There you have it, thanks for listening to my thoughts. 🙇‍♀️💜

Stay safe and good luck!
