2023.6.1 Daytime Market Analysis

Tonight at 20:30 unemployment data (can predict whether Friday's non-agricultural data is good. If the non-agricultural data performs well, it can be predicted that the interest rate hike will stop. Continuing to raise interest rates will involve the bank

Risk issues) The daily line has stepped back above the pressure. The approval rate of US debt is high. Regarding the US economy, there will not be too many problems for the time being. According to the current data, the original interest rate hike agenda was passed on June 15. It was originally planned to stop raising interest rates in June. The final result depends on the non-agricultural data. The interest rate hike will be stopped only if it performs well. The news released may be that the interest rate hike will be stopped in June. Ethereum has performed strongly and has been supported near 382% and the gold line. The high point of the box in front, if it rises again without breaking 1930, you can slowly turn to short thinking. The 4-hour level has broken down. If you don’t have a position, try to wait and see. If the rise does not break the previous high, you can think of short-term long and long-term shorts.

Pressure level: 1930, 1960, 27500, 27600

Support levels: 1850, 1830, 26800, 26500

Ethereum that day: 1910, 1900 short, break 1935 stop loss, stop profit 1880, 1850,


1850, 1860 rebound more, stop profit 30 points to 50 points, stop loss 1840

On the day of the Bitcoin: After yesterday’s decline, Bitcoin has a tendency to go down again, and bearish sentiment is high.

1: Buy around 26300, 26500, stop loss 26100, take profit 26800, 27100

2: Aggressive long at 26900, stop loss at 26750, take profit at 27300, and profit setting at 27200


3: 27500, 27600 firmly short, stop loss 27850, stop profit 26800, 26500

Short wave of the day, pay attention to position management, for reference only

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