#零撸 #空投

A cross-protocol AppLayer that uses zero-knowledge technology to build DeFi solutions designed to meet evolving regulatory standards while meeting users’ on-chain data privacy needs raised $8 million.

@ZKPanther will airdrop 2,000,000 ZKP to test dApp participants. At the end of the test, tZKP tokens will be exchanged for $ZKP at a ratio of 1:1

Test Guide:

1️⃣Enter the test network: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWBQwa5nuB2bYcBU1UDG5jS5qJ73DNMyq4QZ1gJd8SXgZ/

2️⃣Connect your wallet and change the network to Polygon Mumbai test network

3️⃣Click to complete verification and complete virtual KYC

4️⃣Get testnet MATIC: https://alchemy.com/faucets/polygon-mumbai

5️⃣Activate Panther account, create a Panther account

6️⃣Click zAssets to deposit and withdraw

7️⃣Create a second Panther account and make a transfer

Official tutorial: https://docs.pantherprotocol.io/docs/panther-core/testnet