The day before yesterday, Teacher Huang invited me to play. We drove around the lake. On the way, he said that the sui has been going up and down recently. It was a pity that he didn't do the swing.

Every time he made up his mind to sell, but was afraid of selling out, the result always fell from 1.7 to 1.5 several times. This time he decided to use part of the funds to do swing trading.

Don't be afraid if you sell it, it's best to make a profit, otherwise your ideas will be blocked.

I asked him to short APE last year, and when I could earn 40% by staking the proceeds by buying APE, his arbitrage turned into a swing. He made money after a few waves, and then he closed the hedging contract directly. , directly engaged in spot trading, but the spot price plummeted, and I lost tens of thousands. Recently, I cut off my meat, and I lost more than 10,000 yuan after deducting the arbitrage income. The actual loss was more than 30,000 yuan, because I am sure that I can earn money. Calculated, plus the opportunity cost, I estimate that it can be calculated as 90,000 yuan. Because the pie is rising, the money earned is also certain. We currency-based people will not take money or u. Yes, you can basically get the big cake.

Can this seemingly simple band be successful? I think this is impossible. It’s okay to play for fun, but if you take it seriously, you will definitely lose.

The so-called swing trading in the eyes of newcomers is to focus on a few targets, buy when the price is low, sell when the price is high, and take money out of other people's pockets by buying low and selling high.

This is a very naive idea. I participated in market making last year. I ran it using a program and earned 2-3 points every day, and the highest I could earn was 10 points. Each account has a capital of 5,000U, and I have more than a dozen accounts. The money I make is the money of those naive people who do swing trading. I make a steady profit, so I conclude that they make a steady loss. Why do I say that I Steady profit, because I made money on 29 days out of 30 days and lost money on 2 days. One of them was a loss due to liquidation, and one of them was a loss of 0.0 points because the project had no trading volume.

Market makers like this kind of swing players the most, and traders also like this kind of swing players the most.

I understood the truth about band, and I no longer had any interest in band, because I had no interest in giving money to others for free.

I can say that the definition of swing is to rely on feelings to buy low and sell high, and unfounded trading is swing trading. What is the feeling? It depends on looking at the K-line, macd and Bollinger Bands. This kind of technical indicator has been used badly, so Fibonacci has become popular recently, because it is used by the least people, and not many people talk about this indicator. Fibonacci is a mathematician, and when you hear the name, he has a lofty name. How could these scumbags have heard of the name of a great mathematician like Fibonacci, so they used this name just to fool novices. Just like it is obviously a domestic product, but it must be named by a big brand. Once you hear that it is Japanese, German, American, or Australian, you will feel it, and you will be willing to pay for this feeling. Choosing a good name is very important. , look at Xiaopeng Motors, the name is just not nice enough, it would be better to choose a name with a bit of history and culture called Kongming Motors. Kong Ming is the representative of intelligence. Kong Ming can kill Xiaopeng instantly. Why is it called Xiaopeng? It really doesn’t sound good. People who buy cars have vanity. The name is just like that. When you hear Porsche. Mercedes, the name is very comfortable and elegant. Well, it can be seen that a good name is very important. Haha, as I write, I go off topic again.

Let’s talk about short-term. There are actually very few people who can do short-term well, because short-term is difficult, and there are very few people who make long-term money on short-term. To do short-term, you need to master effective information and combine your own experience to be successful. Let me give you a simple example. An An said that there will be an event today. You buy bnb immediately. The event lasts for 4 days in total. Then you can sell it on the third day. Your short-term profit will not be less than 3%. For example, if you have inside information, or you predict that the current bull market is going to be bullish, and arrange a team to start a project, and you buy bnb when the market is silent, then you will earn at least 6% or more once the activity starts. In recent waves, I have made at least 10% or more. Regarding this short-term information, I wrote articles again and again last year. I also asked my friends to do it, and they also made a little money. Because there were two events this month, bnb’s sales were extremely fast. One event was about to end, so he sold it. Then there was another event, and he immediately sold it to 640U. At this time, he made a lot less. There is nothing he can do about it. Who can You can know that activities are coming continuously. If you have an information advantage, you can make money.

I also engaged in short-term trading recently. On the day when the market started to fall sharply, sol did not fall. I sold 234 sol, and it fell after a while. I bought back 247 sol, making a profit of 13 sol, which is almost the same. 16,000 yuan. I use experience to judge that sol can fall, because the memes on sol have all fallen, and those who rushed to sol to exchange for local dogs have lost money. sol should be a trap for everyone, so I just sold. I didn’t look at oversold indicators or technical indicators. Why did I buy it back? Because it would be nice to make some money. I originally planned to hold a part of sol for a long time. There is no need to be greedy and wait for it to fall to 150 to pick it up. I don’t have the attention to do this. It will be better if there are more sol. Why didn't I sell it above 200? I thought it was going to be strong at that time. How could I know if it would reach 250? I didn't dare to do it.

I am not good at short-term trading. I will do it if I am more certain. For example, I met a fan a few days ago and he sold all the uni 17u he bought at 12u and made 60,000 yuan in 2 days. Then I am It can’t be done, because can it fall after 17u? What if it goes to 27, I'd better forget it. What if the sector rotates to dex in the bull market, so I don't have the confidence to do this kind of short-term. Then when I go to play this, I will become a band player.

Many people have this idea in their minds. Is it okay for me to invest a large amount of money in coins and a small amount of money in the band or short-term? It is possible, but there is a problem. The energy and time you need to invest is extremely huge. In fact, you can learn a lot of things with this time and energy, such as learning programming. Wouldn’t it be good to do a few airdrops? It will also make you excited and anxious, making it difficult for you to concentrate on getting things done.

Many people have received the airdrops from Tugou and are struggling with how much they can sell and whether they can sell more. This is a sign of investment. I think there are two situations, either you just hold on and bet on the possible outbreak, such as If it rises 10-100 times, I will either sell decisively or I will sell decisively and change to the mainstream. Because my home field is not on the local dogs, I struggled with 50U and 100U. I felt that it would be uninteresting, extremely energy-consuming, and would easily narrow your horizons.

If you want to do it, do it seriously. Many people are worried about whether gas will be wasted. They worry about this and that all day long and can't let go of their sense of security. People who hold on to a sense of security actually don't have a strong desire to make money. Why not Qiang, it's not that he doesn't like money, it's that he hasn't experienced it, so he doesn't do airdrops. He says he doesn't have time at work, doesn't know how to handle his wallet, and says he can't get in with a ladder. These are all excuses. I still want to say that, Suppose your father digs gold in Africa and earns 100,000 yuan a day. I believe you will overcome all difficulties and go to Africa. Suppose you are in jail now. If you learn how to do airdrops, you can go out and get freedom. You don't have to live the undignified life of sewing on a sewing machine and eating cabbage and steamed buns. I think you can learn it in one day, and even anyone who is stupid can learn it.

If you come to the currency circle, you must come to make money. These things that have nothing to do with making money are all trivial. My fisherman friend has done a very good job. He does nothing, including airdrops, activities, and arbitrage. He specializes in 100x coins and sells them 1-2 times a year, or maybe once every three years. So from time to time I have to ask him what he bought recently. Because he does things that most people wouldn't do, it's worth referencing.

Let’s talk about how to buy meme coins. Many people say that Musk can get up when he calls dog, dog, or hat and pepe. In fact, Musk has factors, but they are not the fundamental factors. If it is because one person cannot do it in a short time Create a culture within. This is difficult. Meme is a cultural thing that has accumulated, and it is difficult to create it suddenly. Why does he call him dog? Because over time, it is so simple and has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Dogs are also something that every foreign household likes. Why doesn’t he call him something else? Why can’t the pig coins, gorilla coins, snake coins, and cat coins in the back work? , just live Dogecoin, or because of culture. Culture is something that lasts forever. When I was a kid, I loved watching Dragon Ball. It would be broadcast once a week. I didn’t have a TV at home, so I would go to the store in front of the school to watch it. I would wait for those 25 minutes all week. At that time, Seeing Goku drink the super holy water and increase his strength to fight the Big Devil Piccolo, it was so passionate and beautiful. This kind of cultured thing is so attractive, and culture carries a deep flow.

I will never buy bome myself, let alone meme coins like sloth. If I want to buy meme coins, I will choose doge and pepe. I will not choose mice. The attributes of meme are to be simple and popular. The culture is inside. Foreigners don’t like mice. Foreigners like dogs. Every household has a dog. Frogs can also be cats. Pepe comes from foreign comic culture, but mice don’t. What kind of culture is this? The culture of rats, hamsters, and rats cannot be popular in the world, so rats cannot become the world’s meme. It can only be the strongest meme in the community or the strongest oriental meme among Chinese people. What I said is a guess based on experience. I don’t know if it’s correct or not. But when buying a target, you can’t guess. You have to be well-founded and feel comfortable.

Please believe that everything I said is wrong

I've finished writing, come on. I am a masseur in Circle B, an old leek who sincerely wishes you to get rich in the currency circle.