Yesterday I recommended the ListaDao project to you, but I didn’t give a detailed introduction to the specific gameplay of this project. Today I will talk about it in detail. The specific operations and the amount of capital investment are suggestions for small players with limited funds, and the big whales can ignore them.

First of all, ListaDao is a platform that provides liquidity through staking and earns interest returns, and it is exclusively invested by Binance. Everyone knows this. Binance's web3 wallet is also carrying out a sign-in activity to receive airdrops. You can go to your own Binance web3 wallet to check it out. It's a simple daily sign-in task, and it's completely free. Then there is CAC on the ListaDao platform, which is the so-called "Cosmic Adventure" task. The task goal is to obtain the task reward - "stardust" by staking and providing liquidity. Now the task has come to the second season and will end on April 15. There are a total of 7 tasks in the second season. Don't be afraid, you don't have to do every one of them. Besides, the weight of each task is not the same. We have to choose the one with the largest weight to do, and strive to get the maximum benefit with limited funds.

First, enter the task website: [Use my invitation code to join the team to get extra rewards]

After entering, select "introduction" at the top of the page;

Scroll down to the second season task navigation, and click the corresponding button for the task you need to do.

One more thing to add here. For tasks 4 and 5, the official default is to enter Pancake, but Pancake’s liquidity pool is not easy to find. I use Wombat. For the specific operations, please see the introduction of the corresponding task below.

Next, let's analyze these 7 tasks one by one:

Task 1: Provide TVL on Lista

The weight of this task is 20%. Users can get stardust rewards by depositing funds into lista. For this task, everyone can invest 0.1-0.5 BNB;

Task 2: Lending funds

I don't recommend you to do this task. The amount of funds available for lending is determined by the TVL you provided in Task 1. You can't lend much by yourself, and the task weight is not large, so you can ignore it.

Task 3: Deposit BNB and mint slisBNB

This task should be focused on! The reason is that this task has the highest weight, reaching 40%! So everyone should focus on task three. It is recommended that you invest 0.5-1 BNB. At the same time, the slisBNB minted here can still be used in the following tasks, so investing more here is very cost-effective!

Task 4 and Task 5: Providing Liquidity

These two tasks are the same, both of which add liquidity to the pool. The difference is that Task 4 uses the lisUSD stablecoin, while Task 5 uses the slisBNB minted in Task 3, and the weights of the two are different, Task 4 accounts for 10%, and Task 5 accounts for 18%. If you are worried about the volatility of BNB, then you can participate in Task 4, but you have to do one more step, which is to exchange BNB or slisBNB for lisUSD, and then add the corresponding liquidity pool. This step is not in vain, because the swap operation also happens to complete Task 7, which is the currency exchange. If you don't care about the price fluctuations of BNB and want to get more stardust, then you can directly use slisBNB to provide liquidity; here is a reminder that the liquidity pools you can choose from are pancake, wombat, Venus, and Kinza Finance. I use wombat myself because the pools are easy to find and are all matched. You can choose according to your preferences and go to the website: to choose your favorite liquidity staking platform;

Task 6: Pledge or hold lisUSD

The weight of this task is 7%, so it is not recommended for everyone to do it. However, if you have completed Task 4 before, that is, you have exchanged a part of lisUSD, then you can do this task with it. You can choose to pledge to get income, or you can do nothing and just hold lisUSD. As for which platform to choose to exchange, it depends on where you completed Task 4. You can exchange it on the corresponding platform. If you want to complete Task 6 alone, then you can choose any platform to exchange lisUSD;

Task 7: Exchange slisBNB or lisUSD

I have already introduced this task in tasks four and five, so I will not repeat it here.

Summary: Tasks 1, 3, 4 or 5 must be completed, and the others can be selected based on the amount of funds you have. The total consumption is 1-1.5 BNB.

Task link: [Use my invitation code to join the team and get extra rewards]

The above is a detailed introduction to the ListaDao Universe Challenge tasks. The second season ended on April 15th. Combined with the sign-in event organized by Binance web3 wallet, the airdrop should be online soon. Everyone hurry up and participate!

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