Theft of $AMB Token from AMB/ETH Uniswap Pool

The AirDAO team has recently discovered that 35.2 million AMB tokens and 125.51 ETH were stolen from our AMB/ETH Uniswap pool. In an effort to recover the stolen funds, we are collaborating with exchanges and authorities to identify the responsible hacker. If the hacker returns the funds promptly, AirDAO team is willing to offer a 10% reward as a white hat hacking fee. However, if they refuse to cooperate, AirDAO team will proceed with law enforcement.

The wallet address linked to the hacker is 0xFD1754f6Cb9DA53c6F26E3E2eE3DE875CC11C7AA. They gained access to the liquidity pool by executing a social engineering scam involving a malicious email attachment, falsely claiming to be from one of our trusted partners. We have contacted the exchanges used by the hacker to freeze and track the stolen funds.

This incident only affected our liquidity pool and does not impact users' funds on the AirDAO blockchain, exchanges, or the security of the AirDAO multisig.

AirDAO team is working to replenish the liquidity in the Uniswap LP as soon as possible and believe that the most difficult aspect of this situation is now behind us.$AMB