Some Freshers are asking me What is bitcoin halving & how actually works? 😒

Let's try to figure it out...

So, BTC halving is like this cool event that happens roughly every four years in the Bitcoin network. It's basically a way to control how many new bitcoins are made and keep them rare. During a halving, the reward for miners, you know, the folks who verify transactions, gets cut in half. This means fewer new bitcoins are created, slowing down how fast they come into the market.

The last halvings went down in 2012, 2016, and 2020. And each time, it caused a big stir in the Bitcoin world – more people started paying attention, the media went nuts, and usually, the price went up.

Next up, we've got the next Bitcoin halving slated for April 19th, 2024. When that happens, the rewards for miners will get slashed again, making new bitcoins even harder to come by. This scarcity thing tends to drive up demand and push prices higher.

Folks are always watching these halvings because they often lead to wild swings in the market. Some see them as a signal that Bitcoin's gonna keep climbing in value over time. But remember guys 🐸, just because it happened before doesn't mean it'll happen again. The crypto world is so unpredictable, influenced by all sorts of stuff like laws, new tech, and global trends. #DYOR!!

So, when April 19th, 2024, rolls around, expect some excitement, but play it smart. Do your own research before diving in headfirst.

BTW, I'm bullish on the Market 🥳