Used by many, loved by millions of users on the blockchain, but do you really know what bitcoin is?

In this small series we will explain to you in detail and in a simple way what bitcoin is from its origins, evolutions, to its visions in cryptography technology.


Bitcoin is an intangible and virtual currency, that is, we cannot have it physically, it can only be used virtually.

What is it for?

  1. It is used to exchange products or services as an alternative means of current currencies issued by some centralized financial institution.

  2. It is used to send, backup and secure information in encrypted form.

    (We'll talk later of this)

How can I get bitcoin?

Currently there are different ways to get bitcoin:

  1. Through exchange platforms #Binance is my favorite. Here you can acquire bitcoin with different payment methods around the world.

  2. Through mining. Miners must solve mathematical puzzles with the SHA-256 hashing algorithm from the Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-2) family.

    They must also audit and verify the transactions, the greater the information power provided to the Bitcoin network, the greater the probability of solving the algorithm and being able to carry it in bitcoin.

  3. You can also get your first #satoshi (btc) for free and very easily by simply following #btcfreebox in its different means of dissemination on social networks.

How many bitcoins exist?

It is expected that by the year 2140 there will be a total of 21 million bitcoins in circulation.

The image of creation adapted to btc, a beauty of modern art

Closing this first chapter of the Bitcoin Saga