Key news:

Ladys is currently ranked first in the next round of voting on Binance!

There is really hope of listing on Binance

What needs to be explained is:

The first place is not guaranteed. Last time, the fourth place metis was listed on Binance.

In addition, the market value is really not low now, so don’t go to FOMO.

If you are an old fan of mine, you should know that I have said this dozens of times. Almost no one talked about this project before. We got it from June last year, which is more than 10 times. At that time, it was said that he could double the coin [Musk Han once shouted +dwf market maker]

Back then, the market value of this coin was only over 10 million. Musk once shouted, why didn’t everyone buy it? Why. Most people like to chase the rise and kill the fall. The real time to buy is actually when the decline is pitiful and no one is talking about it.

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