When buying new coins and buying new things, do it as soon as possible if you want to do so. Don’t hesitate to use the funds that you can bear to return to zero to do so, so that you can hold on to it.

For example, when Inscription was very early last year, my friend asked me to take precautions to defend myself. I was unmoved. I studied ambush this coin and laid out that coin every day. I worked so hard to earn dozens of points. Inscription was always ten times or a hundred times. Cx me If I can’t stand it anymore, then I’ll hit 500U and get to zero. It doesn’t matter. Good guy, when I get on the bus, I’ll cut it in half. It’s almost zero now.

The same goes for dome. On Thursday, my friend asked me to buy some bome, but he was unmoved. Then yesterday morning, he said it would be ten times, and then in the evening, he said it would be twenty times. Now I haven’t looked at how many times it has been, but don’t say it yet, my legs are like this now. It hurts a little#DOME