$BTC the roller coaster has begun, but for now they are maintaining a pleasant level, you can enter memes $PEPE $FLOKI for 2% profit at a time. I made a total of 12% per day. But you have to keep your finger on the pulse!

And this is not so easy when you are simultaneously considering hundreds of new projects and where to go to get a free aridrop. Now I’m participating and mining GetGrass completely free of charge, a very promising project, in beta test, and whales are already buying it on the whale market. In 2 days we bought $600,000 worth, the average price of 1 token is $0.007, despite the fact that I mine 2000 tokens per day, plus the referral system, i.e. Now you can get from $400 per month, and after listing x10 minimum. Link to the project and the latest news that I find I post in my telegram channel (the channel is in Russian, so turn on auto translation in the telegram settings): grassmine

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#HotTrends #Airdrop🪂 #Listing #Mining 8924002375#BTC#PEPE