Part 1

Over 180K wallets voted over the first 2 JUP DAO votes, most ever in crypto to our knowledge. With tremendous interest in the DAO & the pioneering ASR idea, it's time to share some key thoughts.


We want the Jupiter DAO to become the best DAO in crypto - meaning we have the most proactive and dynamic voter base, strongest ability to execute on stated plans, and importantly, able to coordinate to drive important long term directions like bringing millions more into Jupiter and into the meta.

Just like how our journey to build the best product in crypto took many years, building the best DAO will be a multi-year journey as well, and one that we are super excited to embark on with everyone.

In fact, it is arguably going to be even more challenging than the build up of the Jupiter products, since building a DAO and the other structures (see J.U.P Planet) is one that needs up to hundreds of thousands of people to come together and operate in sync.

Unique Amongst All DAOs

Jupiter DAO is starting with a unique set of foundational qualities unseen in any other DAO.

- No insider voting blocs 

- Significant value and high liquidity 

- Highly distributed, retail heavy token holder base 

- Most used decentralized trading platform in crypto (means lots ot attention can be given to votes)

- Massive effort is given to the voting process via WGs

- Dynamic, forward-looking voter base who wants to expand, not shrink

This foundation allows the DAO to take on a dramatically different scope compared to all the other DAOs.

Expansive Mandate

Given the role that Jupiter plays in the ecosystem, the overall growth of the decentralized ecosystem will naturally be of tremendous assistance to Jupiter as well. Therefore, the mandate of the DAO is not narrowly limited to Jupiter, but rather broadly focused on growing the ecosystem as well via Jupiter community and platform.

#JUP #JupRally🚀 @Jupiter 🪐

Continue reading in Part 2

by Meow