Sister Tian has always said that in the bull market, just play with spot and hold it, and hold it patiently, it will always be your turn to hold the currency. But the main premise is to choose the right currency, otherwise you may miss the bull market and end up having to bear the pain.

So how to choose a coin?

First choose the track, choose the right track leader, and then hold it to make a fortune.

For example, wld, the leader in the AI ​​sector, was criticized a lot before it got up and many people ran away without holding on. It is currently as high as 11.9. Unfortunately, it failed to break through 12, but Sister Tian believes that if you hold it for a long time, it will double.

So choice is greater than effort.

In this market, you must first choose the right currency, and then hold it. He said let him have his say, but I remained unmoved, and finally waited for it to bear fruit.

#热门话题 #BNB. #BTC/USDT: #Binnace