Hello everyone, I am Muyun!

It is a misunderstanding that everyone can make money in the bull market of the currency circle, and can make big money with small gains.

You can refute my point of view, but I don't accept it.

Too many facts and too many people have proven this. We need to look at the data, because the data will not lie. We cannot take a single example as a general phenomenon.

However, it is also easy to understand from the perspective of human nature. If you do not believe that the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle can make you rich, will you rush in to be a leeks and take over at a high price?

Losing money is the result of losing money because we did something wrong. Similarly, making money is also the result of making money because we must have done something right.

Example: Many people are hesitant to enter the market because they have shorted the current market. If they enter the market, they are afraid of a correction and will be trapped. If they do not enter the market, they are afraid that the market will continue to rise, thus shorting the next bull market.

During the bull market, if you take two wrong steps, it’s not a question of whether you can make money in this bull market, but whether you can get your money back.

In the early days of the bull market, there are many 50% corrections. If you have 100,000, and after trading a currency, it is cut in half, and you can't bear the loss, then your principal is still 50,000.

Later, you couldn't stand it anymore and chased after the currency that others said was rising well, but it fell back by 50%, and your principal was only 25,000. Then in the bull market, don't even think about making money. The currency needs to rise fourfold to make your capital back. Others are making money, but you just expect to get your capital back.

Another thing is, the currency you bought has not been rising, and you see other currencies are rising, and you can't stand it, so you change positions. Once the swap is completed, the currency you sold starts to rise, and the currency you bought starts to fall. You don't need more, just twice is enough. Your mentality will collapse.

I only gave two examples. There are also those who participated with a small amount of capital in the early stage. Later, when they saw the profits were very impressive, they gradually began to increase their capital investment. In the middle and late stages of the bull market, they continued to mobilize their own capital to enter the market and take orders at high levels. It was originally a profit, but in the end I found that the more I bought the chips, the higher the price became, leading to losses. In the later period, I couldn't understand the market trend, so I thought about covering my position to lower the average price, which led to the deeper the situation.

If I were to talk about these wrong operating methods, based on what I have personally seen and experienced, I could not finish them in three days and three nights.

Although there are many symptoms that cause us to lose money in the bull market, the essence is the same.

The essence is that our greed is greater than our ability, and the financial market strikes the deepest point in people's hearts.

If we don’t have enough knowledge, professional trading techniques, strategies, and correct thinking and concepts about investment.

Then the bull market in the currency circle will definitely be a nightmare for most leeks. They have existed before, exist now, and will not be lacking in the future.

We can continue to verify this over time, and don’t look at the three melons and two dates earned in the current account.

In the financial market, if we do not have the ability to seize opportunities and timing, you will find that you cannot keep up with one step or every step, and you will make a wrong step and every step.

Always be in awe of the market.#WIF #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB