GALA issued an article yesterday warning that there is a risk of a correction. Last night, it pulled back to around 0.06675 with the market. It is determined to be on the long side in the current 1 hour. If it does not break through 0.07161/0.06916 again in 2/4 hours, it will rise again in 4 hours. The upper target is Around 0.08, short-term market tracking operations are strictly prohibited, and pending order operations are strictly prohibited. Position management of short-term contracts is required.

The long-term spot strategy remains unchanged. I have said it before in the community and family, cherish the cheap chips in your hands, and do not change positions or bands easily, otherwise it will be your friends who sell out. For spot stocks, you must be patient and buy the goods. Lie down and wait for the flowers to bloom. #GALA.ai智能算法交易 #GALA.每日智能策略 g#gaka #GALA.24小时交易策略 #GalaxyDigital