Ethereum Dencun Upgrade: Will Reshape L2 Network

The upcoming launch of Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade marks a significant milestone for the Ethereum network, which will bring several enhancements designed to improve the network’s efficiency and scalability.

Main features of Dencun upgrade
The Dencun upgrade introduces several enhancements, the most notable of which is the implementation of temporary data blobs using EIP-4844, colloquially known as "protodanksharding," which is expected to significantly reduce layer 2 transaction fees. The goal of this upgrade is to significantly reduce transaction costs, reducing fees from $1 to just 1 cent.

Community enthusiasm and developer engagement
Ethereum core developers and the community have shown great excitement and active participation in the Dencun upgrade. Developers have actively released Dencun-compatible versions, including important performance and stability improvements. Before the Ethereum mainnet was released, Gnosis Chain deployed the Dencun upgrade on its network, demonstrating the expected effects of the upgrade in advance.

Expected cost reductions and performance improvements
Analysis and predictions show that after the Dencun upgrade, the fees of major Ethereum layer 2 solutions will be significantly reduced, adding to the positive atmosphere of the network. The expected fee reduction will make it significantly cheaper to deposit USDC on platforms such as Aave. In addition, the data blob function of the OP stack chain will also be substantially improved.

Future Outlook and Uncertainty
The specific effects of the Dencun upgrade are still uncertain, but the Ethereum community has high expectations for the upgrade and is eagerly awaiting its launch. This upgrade will demonstrate Ethereum's commitment to scalability, efficiency, and innovation. As the activation date approaches, the Ethereum community's expectations and enthusiasm for the upgrade continue to grow.

Through the Dencun upgrade, Ethereum will move towards a more efficient and scalable network, injecting new vitality and momentum into the development of the blockchain industry.
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