Source: BitEvo



Amid the rapid development of blockchain, Bitcoin, as the leader of cryptocurrencies, faces significant challenges, including insufficient scalability, high transaction costs, and insufficient support for complex smart contracts. These limitations hinder its further application and development. The BitEvo project was born under this background, aiming to bring revolutionary expansion and optimization to the Bitcoin network through advanced Layer 2 technology. BitEvo not only symbolizes the evolution of Bitcoin, but also opens a new era of feature-rich, efficient and scalable Bitcoin network, providing a broad space for the application of Bitcoin in the contemporary financial and technological fields.

BitEvo Introduction

BitEvo symbolizes the evolution of Bitcoin technology and implies the advancement of the Bitcoin network to a higher stage through technological innovation. While Bitcoin has become the globally recognized digital gold, its network faces challenges such as insufficient scalability, high transaction fees, and lack of support for complex smart contracts. These limitations not only affect the user experience, but also inhibit the application potential of Bitcoin in emerging fields such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFT).

The market has shown great demand for solutions that can solve these problems. Users and developers are looking forward to a platform that can provide high throughput, low transaction fees, and support Turing-complete smart contracts, so that Bitcoin can not only be used as a means of value storage, but also become an infrastructure to support complex applications. It is in this context that the BitEvo project came into being. It not only promises to overcome the existing limitations of the Bitcoin network through Layer 2 technology, but also plans to introduce a series of innovative features to expand the application scenarios of Bitcoin and enhance its position in the global cryptocurrency ecosystem.

BitEvo's design philosophy revolves around three core principles: decentralization, EVM compatibility, and sustainability. BitEvo aims to build a decentralized Layer 2 platform that not only improves the processing speed and efficiency of the Bitcoin network, but also reduces transaction costs, while introducing compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to support developers in deploying and executing complex smart contracts on the Bitcoin network. This design not only ensures the decentralization and security of the network, but also provides full flexibility and scalability for future innovation and application development. Through these efforts, BitEvo plans to solve the current challenges facing the Bitcoin network and drive it towards a more diverse, efficient, and scalable future.

Technological innovation and key advantages

The BitEvo project aims to solve the current challenges facing the Bitcoin network by introducing a series of technological innovations and key advantages, while opening up broader application prospects. The following are several technological innovations of the BitEvo project and the key advantages they bring:

Technological innovation

RPPOM consensus algorithm: BitEvo uses a unique Random Pool Proof of Multi-Attribute (RPPOM) consensus algorithm. This algorithm combines the high efficiency of Proof of Stake (PoS) and the security of Proof of Work (PoW), providing decentralized and secure guarantees for the BitEvo network. The RPPOM algorithm optimizes the performance of the network and reduces energy consumption by randomly selecting verification nodes to complete the verification and packaging of blocks.

Layer 2 Solution: By implementing state channels and sidechain technology, BitEvo has significantly improved the transaction processing speed and efficiency of the Bitcoin network. State channels allow participants to conduct instant transactions off-chain, and only require on-chain operations when opening and closing channels. Sidechain technology provides a capacity expansion solution for the Bitcoin network, allowing transactions to be processed on another parallel chain and synchronized to the main chain only when needed.

Smart Contract Support: BitEvo supports the operation of Turing-complete smart contracts on the Bitcoin network through compatibility with EVM. This feature allows developers to deploy and execute complex decentralized applications (DApps) on the BitEvo platform, greatly broadening the application scenarios of Bitcoin.

Key Benefits

  • High-throughput transaction processing: BitEvo uses Layer 2 technology to significantly increase the number of transactions that can be processed per second, effectively solving the scalability problem of the Bitcoin network.

  • Low transaction fees: Through state channel and sidechain technology, BitEvo has significantly reduced transaction costs, providing users with a more economical and efficient transaction experience.

  • Cross-chain interoperability: BitEvo has designed a flexible technical architecture that supports interoperability with other major blockchain platforms, especially seamless connection with the Ethereum ecosystem, providing strong support for the cross-chain circulation of assets and information.

  • Decentralization and security: The support of RPPOM consensus algorithm and smart contracts not only ensures the decentralization of the network, but also enhances the security of the entire ecosystem.


Through these technological innovations and key advantages, the BitEvo project not only provides solutions to existing problems of the Bitcoin network, but also opens up new paths for the future application of blockchain technology.

Ecosystem and Economic Model

The BitEvo project aims to create a comprehensive and sustainable decentralized platform through its unique ecosystem and economic model. This ecosystem not only supports a variety of decentralized applications (DApps), but also promotes community participation and ecological health through a series of incentive mechanisms.

Decentralized application ecosystem

  • DeFi: BitEvo provides a high-performance, low-cost Layer 2 platform that supports various DeFi applications such as decentralized exchanges (DEX), lending platforms, stablecoin issuance, and liquidity mining. These applications enable users to trade, borrow, and invest freely in a decentralized environment, enjoying the benefits and flexibility that traditional financial services cannot provide.

  • NFT Application: The BitEvo platform supports the issuance, trading and management of NFTs, enabling artists, creators and collectors to explore new ways of value creation and ownership proof using NFTs on the Bitcoin network. The integration of NFTs has revolutionized the digital art and collectibles market, while also adding new vitality to the BitEvo ecosystem.

  • GameFi and SocialFi: BitEvo supports the development and operation of decentralized games and social finance applications that combine DeFi, NFTs, and social interaction features to provide users with new ways to entertain and invest, while also driving community growth and engagement.

Economic Model

  • Dual Token Model: BitEvo adopts a dual token model of governance token ($BEvo) and utility token ($wBEvo). $BEvo tokens are used for network governance, and holders can participate in the decision-making process, such as protocol updates and fee structure adjustments; while $wBEvo, as a utility token, is used in the network to pay transaction fees and execute smart contracts, ensuring the efficient operation of the network.

  • Incentive Mechanism: In order to encourage user participation and contribution, BitEvo has designed a series of incentive mechanisms, including rewards for staking for network security, rewards for providing liquidity, and rewards for participating in community governance. These mechanisms are designed to promote active community participation and enhance the security and stability of the network.

  • Staking and Rewards: Users can participate in the network’s security and consensus mechanisms by staking $BEvo to receive $wBEvo as rewards, which further strengthens the close connection between participants and the ecosystem and promotes the overall healthy development of the network.

Staking Mechanisms and Incentives

The BitEvo project, through its unique staking mechanism and incentives, not only provides generous rewards to early supporters and participants, but also promotes the healthy development and sustainable growth of the entire ecosystem. The following are the key elements of the BitEvo project staking mechanism and its incentives:

Phase 1: Incentivizing Early Contributors

In the early stages of the BitEvo project, the project paid special attention to rewarding supporters who made early contributions to the project development. By issuing Bitcoin network inscriptions, early participants can obtain project points by staking inscriptions. This mechanism not only reflects the recognition and reward of early supporters, but also encourages community members to actively participate in the development of the project.

  • Dynamic adjustment of staking rewards: As the project develops and time goes by, the proportion of points produced by staking will gradually decrease. This dynamic adjustment mechanism encourages users to participate in the BitEvo ecosystem as early as possible, so as to benefit from the growth of the project earlier.

  • Points and Airdrops: After the staking is completed, users can redeem their points for BEvo token airdrops, further increasing the attractiveness of participating in the BitEvo ecosystem.

Phase 2: Stake BEvo to get BTC rewards

As the BitEvo ecosystem matures, the second phase of the staking mechanism aims to further incentivize community members’ participation and long-term commitment to the project by providing BTC rewards.

  • BTC Reward Mechanism: Users can not only receive regular BTC rewards by staking BEvo tokens, but this mechanism further consolidates the connection between BitEvo and the Bitcoin ecosystem while also providing additional value to BEvo holders.

  • Innovative Layer 2 use cases: By staking BEvo, users can not only earn rewards, but also unlock innovative Layer 2 use cases provided by BitEvo, including but not limited to faster transaction processing, low-cost smart contracts, and new DeFi applications.

Community and Governance

At the core of the BitEvo project, the community and decentralized governance mechanisms play a vital role. By empowering community members with decision-making power and opportunities to participate in project development, BitEvo aims to build a transparent, fair, and community-driven ecosystem. The following are several key aspects of the BitEvo community and governance mechanisms:

Decentralized governance model

  • Governance Framework: BitEvo adopts a decentralized governance model, which means that all important decisions—including protocol updates, parameter adjustments, and new feature proposals—are determined through community voting. This model ensures transparency and fairness of the project while giving community members direct influence on the direction of the project.

  • Governance Token ($BEvo): As the core of governance, $BEvo token holders have voting rights and can vote on key decisions of the project. This not only incentivizes users to participate in governance, but also ensures that the direction of the project can truly reflect the wishes and needs of the community.

Community Engagement and Support

  • Developer support: In order to encourage more developers to join and enrich the BitEvo ecosystem, the project provides a series of development tools, documents and tutorials. By holding hackathons, developer conferences and other activities, BitEvo actively cultivates the developer community and supports innovation and application development.

  • User participation: Users are the core of the BitEvo ecosystem. In order to increase user participation and contribution to the project, BitEvo encourages users to actively participate through user education, reward programs, and feedback mechanisms. Users can not only participate in governance through staking and voting, but also receive rewards by participating in community activities and contributing content.

  • Staking and Rewards: By staking $BEvo, community members can not only participate in the network's security and consensus mechanisms, but also receive corresponding rewards, such as $wBEvo, etc. This incentive mechanism is designed to enhance the security and stability of the network while promoting the active participation of community members.

What problem does BitEvo solve?

The BitEvo project has become an important milestone in building the future blueprint of Bitcoin and its ecosystem. It not only solves a series of core problems facing the Bitcoin network, but also paves the way for the further development and application of blockchain technology. Through BitEvo's efforts, we can foresee a more efficient, scalable and user-friendly digital currency world.

Core issues solved

  • Scalability: BitEvo significantly improves the transaction processing speed and throughput of the Bitcoin network through its Layer 2 solution, solving the problems of network congestion and transaction delays.

  • High transaction costs: By optimizing the transaction process, BitEvo significantly reduces transaction fees, making small-amount transactions affordable and providing users with more usage scenarios and flexibility.

  • Smart Contract Support: BitEvo’s EVM compatibility introduces Turing-complete smart contract capabilities to the Bitcoin network, greatly expanding its functionality and application scope, enabling it to support complex decentralized applications.

  • Decentralized application ecosystem: BitEvo provides a complete set of development tools and interfaces, which lowers the development threshold and enables developers to easily build and deploy decentralized applications.

The BitEvo project not only provides an immediate solution for the Bitcoin network and its users, but also opens up new possibilities for the future development of blockchain technology. Through continuous technological innovation and the joint efforts of the community, BitEvo will continue to play a key role in promoting progress in the field of digital currency and decentralized applications. As BitEvo and similar projects advance, we look forward to entering a more open, interconnected and efficient decentralized world.