The Ultimate Rule for Crypto Profiteering.

People are social beings. Trading and investing is carried out by people (millions, if not tens of thousands). Our collective actions and thoughts is what creates the crypto economy and keeps it running. So it is reasonable to study people, before studying the projects they prefer.

In this space, you need a lot of information. Tons of information about what people are doing (great, small, old and new). Why rely solely on your own limited resources to remember the road to successful gains, or to orient yourself in this new territory, when you can rely on signs (in the form of signals, call outs,groups and community engagement) placed on the Internet and here on binance so effortfully by others.

If you are a new person, suggest you take your time before taking a key decision with investment. It takes time, so be patient and find information that will benefit you both in the long and short term.

Anytime you lose a cent in crypto because of impatience or lack of information, another guy behind a screen somewhere gains your cent because they were patient and consumed lots of information, which helped them to make better analysis.
