#BIANACE #币安注册 #注册币安

Binance registration and identity authentication tutorial in mainland China (latest in 2024)

In 2023, with the continuous development of the cryptocurrency market, more and more Chinese users began to pay attention to and participate in cryptocurrency transactions. As the world's leading cryptocurrency trading platform, Binance is favored by Chinese users. However, due to the Chinese government's strengthening of cryptocurrency supervision, users must register a Binance account and complete real-name authentication.

Binance registration:


1. Register a Binance account

First, users need to visit the Binance official website or download the official APP to register. During the registration process, users need to provide a personal mobile phone number or email address and set a secure login password. In addition, Binance usually sends a mobile phone text message or email for verification to ensure that the information provided by the user is true and valid. After completing the registration, users can improve the security of their account by setting a fund password and binding Google Authenticator.

2. Real-name authentication process

After successfully registering a Binance account, according to relevant Chinese regulations, users need to complete real-name authentication before they can perform some operations, such as recharge and withdrawal. The specific real-name authentication process is as follows:

ID information entry: Users first need to fill in their personal ID information on the Binance platform, including name, ID number and other relevant information. Face recognition: Subsequently, users need to perform face recognition verification and complete identity verification by uploading ID photos and selfies to ensure the true identity of the registered user. Waiting for review: After submitting the real-name authentication information, Binance usually conducts a review in a relatively short period of time. After the review is passed, users can enjoy more trading and fund management permissions.

3. The importance of real-name authentication

Real-name authentication is an important part of the compliance operation of cryptocurrency trading platforms and an important means to protect the security of user assets. Through real-name authentication, Binance can better fulfill the requirements of laws and regulations such as anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) to ensure the legality and compliance of transactions.At the same time, for users, real-name authentication also means more services and higher security. In terms of fund security, real-name authentication can effectively avoid risks such as identity theft and illegal operations, making users' digital assets safer and more reliable.

4. Security precautions

When registering a Binance account and conducting real-name authentication, users need to pay attention to the following security matters:

Verify official channels: Make sure to register and authenticate on the Binance official website or official APP, avoid clicking on unknown links or downloading APPs from unknown sources, so as not to be harmed by fraud. Carefully protect personal information: When filling in personal information, do not disclose sensitive information such as ID number and password to avoid personal information being used by criminals. Pay attention to notification reminders: Pay attention to the official notifications of the Binance platform, and keep abreast of relevant policy changes and security tips to protect your own rights and interests.

In short, in 2024, Chinese users registering Binance accounts and completing real-name authentication have become the basic process for users to participate in cryptocurrency transactions. As the Chinese government increases its supervision of cryptocurrencies, users need to actively cooperate with the platform's real-name authentication requirements to ensure the safety of their own funds while promoting the healthy development of the cryptocurrency market. I hope that through the introduction of this article, readers can better understand the importance and process of registering a Binance account and real-name authentication, so as to participate in cryptocurrency transactions more safely and conveniently.