#链游快报 WEMIX official website news, the international server of the chain game "NIGHT CROWS" will be pre-downloaded on the morning of March 11th, and the global public beta will be launched at 12 o'clock on March 12th (East 8th District). East Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, South America, and North America will be open at that time Top five servers.

🏀The GDC2024 Game Summit will kick off grandly on March 18. Well-known companies such as NVIDIA, Microsoft, Tencent, Biyu and WEMADE will gather together. WEMADE, a high-profile pioneer in the blockchain gaming industry, will bring a special sharing "The Future of Games" on the morning of the 19th to deeply explore the innovation and development trends of the gaming industry.

⚡The well-known blockchain gaming platform XPLA recently announced that global gaming giant Ubisoft has successfully joined its ecosystem and become an important node validator, and will actively participate in the platform’s relevant governance decision-making process in the future. This series of developments not only demonstrates XPLA’s strong appeal in the gaming field, but also heralds its broad development prospects in the blockchain gaming ecosystem in the future.

🌟PANews released the latest information on March 10. According to Coingecko platform data, the market value of the chain game circuit has exceeded the US$31.48 billion mark, and the market value has increased by an astonishing 11.9% in the past 24 hours. Among them, the market value of WEMIX increased by 7.5%, the market value of IMX increased by 2.4%, BEAM increased by 10.8%, and GALA increased by 37.4%. In addition, the market value of AXS surged by 20.1%, SAND rose by 11.4%, RON rose by 19%, PIXEL's market value surged by 47.7%, and GMT also achieved a 22.4% increase. This series of data shows that the chain gaming circuit is showing strong growth momentum and the market is full of vitality.

🎮BlockBeats news, the chain game RapChain will start its first battle at 12:00 on March 13th, and the game website has been made public at 12:00 on March 6th.

⭕Game information sharing, not investment advice! ! ! When market sentiment is extreme, risk control should be done even more!