Since the fall, the VET coin has made X3, and is now in a lull. Those who expect growth from it right here and now and throw mud at the project are very impatient and greedy people. And greed is the main enemy of the investor! In the world of investing, there is no “money” button. If you think that X's are being made one after another ad infinitum, you will lose everything. If you really believe in the project, and are aware of its advantages and disadvantages, then you will not be in a cold sweat updating your wallet and looking at how many dollars your investment has decreased or increased. I often read negative comments about VET, so I decided to defend it, although I do not deny the obvious disadvantages of the project. If you have negative emotions due to the fact that this or that token is standing still and not growing, then you should ask yourself the question: “Why did I even buy it?”

What is your opinion about VET? Does the project really have a future? Or is it gradually fading away? #VET