Dear Neptune Network Users

⏰The Neptune Network Android version 2.0.0 update is expected to take approximately three hours to complete.

✅The update for the iOS version is scheduled to be released on the official website on March 10.

💢Users who have not backed up the private key: If you have not saved the private key in advance, please do not delete the 1.0.8 version application. You must immediately find "My" - "Backup Private Key" - "Enter Password" in version 1.0.8 to successfully back up your private key.

💢💢For users who have backed up their private keys, please be sure to go to the official website to download the 2.0.0 version application after the update is completed. By importing the private key, you can successfully use version 2.0.0.

❗️Please note that if you do not back up your private key, you will not be able to log in to the 2.0.0 version account, which may result in any loss. This loss has nothing to do with the Neptune Network.