Binance has launched something new again! This phase of the project is the decentralized derivatives trading platform AEVO, which focuses on options and perpetual trading. It has raised a total of US$16.6 million in financing and was valued at US$250 million in the final round.

The initial circulation of $AEVO is 11%, and the futures price is currently at 2.55U. Soon another group of people will become rich. There are already many social media channels for information about project highlights, team background, etc. If you are interested, you can directly search on Twitter or check the Binance Research Report: CN/research/projects/aevo

This article focuses on sorting out the anecdotes before and after Binance launched AEVO for reference:

①BNB whale is keen on mining new coins, and it’s so fun to eat and get them

Binance has been launching new coins at a very fast pace recently, and the price of BNB has been rising all the way. Every time new coins are mined, it is a carnival for giant whales.

According to on-chain monitoring, the giant whale ranked fourth in Blast staking invested an additional 39,700 BNB to participate in the mining of AEVO new coins. The total investment amount exceeded US$37.42 million, which was the highest investment amount among the past four participations in mining.

There are less than 4 days left for Binance mining. Those holding BNB and FDUSD continue to rush:

② RBN arbitrageurs ambush in advance and have made huge profits

RBN and AVEO are exchanged on a 1:1 basis. Many people only learned about it after Binance announced the listing of AEVO, and then went to the secondary level to scan for goods, causing RBN to skyrocket, and sensitive arbitrageurs have already made huge profits.

Since the end of August last year, the economic model including RBN staking rewards has been gradually shut down to prepare for the subsequent 1:1 exchange for AEVO. In other words, since the exchange proposal was launched, there has been an arbitrage window of half a year. Have you seized it?

③Spent billions on Lushen and enjoy the airdrops

Even before Binance announced the launch of AEVO, some people were crazy about trading volume, which could reach hundreds of millions or even billions. This wave of airdrops will undoubtedly give birth to N versions of the myth of wealth creation.

Personally, I really appreciate this method of killing someone when they see an opportunity. Although the process is boring, it may be more effective than sowing seeds everywhere.

There is a mixed bag of projects on the market now, with more and more projects treating users as black slaves and using various forms of PUA. The gangsters really need to be careful and precise, and prioritize those projects that have a high probability of being listed on Binance.

Attached is the Binance Labs investment collection (you can filter unissued currency projects):

④Technology is the primary productive force. It is said that scientists can purchase 70U for 20 million

Referring to community news, some scientists wrote an AEVO option script to buy 70U for 20 million, while someone else used 2,000 knives to buy 2 billion.

Although the authenticity of these messages cannot be verified, it is undeniable that understanding technology in the currency circle is a dimensionality reduction attack, and you can often get N times the returns of ordinary people without any effort.

⑤Aevo’s pre-market trading raised questions and officials banned employees from participating

Aevo started pre-market trading for its own token, sparking doubts. Aevo co-founder Julian Koh said in response that employees had been banned from trading its tokens before the listing.

He also revealed that no information about the listing price has been shared with investors or insiders. Before the airdrop, traders can receive larger airdrop rewards based on trading volume.

不管如何, $AEVO 初始流通量仅11%,而币安Lanchpool就占了4.5%,RBN与AEVO的兑换需要锁仓2个月,前期确实没啥抛压。如果你持有BNB或FDUSD,尽快去质押,挖矿收益不会差。

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