In the ever-changing foreign exchange market, every trader is eager to capture lucrative profits. However, successful trading is not achieved overnight, it often contains profound wisdom and rigorous strategies. Today, let us deeply analyze the eight-character trading mantra passed down by word of mouth by foreign exchange traders: "Survival first, make big profits and small losses". These eight short words condense the essence of countless practical experiences and can be regarded as a compulsory course for every trader.


Survival first: Risk control is king

“Survival first” is like a lighthouse that illuminates our way forward, reminding us that the primary task of sailing in the ocean of trading is to preserve ourselves, rather than fighting the wind and waves. In foreign exchange trading, this means putting risk management first and sticking to the bottom line of capital security. No matter how the market fluctuates, we should set up appropriate stop-loss positions, not blindly pursue short-term profits, to prevent large losses in extreme cases, and ensure that we stand firm in the market storm, so that we can have the opportunity to participate in the next battle and achieve “keeping the green mountains, not afraid of running out of firewood”.


In the world of trading, the importance of money management far exceeds the trading strategy itself. Without good money management, even the most brilliant analysis can lead to disastrous consequences. The core of survival first is to reasonably allocate funds for each transaction, control the upper limit of each loss, and ensure that the account can withstand market fluctuations and survive in the long run. This requires us to set reasonable stop loss points and never gamble everything because of a momentary judgment.


Big profits and small losses: profit chasing and risk locking

"Making big profits and losing small" is the art of trading. In actual operation, we need to have a pair of eyes to identify opportunities, be good at capturing big market trends, and let profits run fully. At the same time, in the face of possible losses, we must decisively stop losses and cut off unfavorable positions in time to ensure that each loss is relatively small. This active expansion of profit margins and effective control of loss amounts are the key to achieving long-term stable profits. By setting up a scientific stop-profit and stop-loss mechanism, we can maximize profits and minimize risks. In trading, we are required to accurately grasp market trends and seize big profit opportunities. At the same time, we can quickly adjust when we make mistakes in judgment so that each loss is within an acceptable range.


In fact, these two principles do not exist in isolation, but complement and support each other. On the one hand, good risk management ensures our lasting combat power and enables us to survive in the market; on the other hand, accurate profit and stop loss strategies help us accumulate wealth on the basis of survival and gradually realize wealth appreciation.


Mentality and discipline: the spiritual pillar for making big profits and small losses

Any excellent trading system requires the trader's firm mentality and iron discipline to support it. To put "survival first, make big profits and small losses" into practice, in addition to mastering the necessary technical analysis and fundamental research, it is also necessary to cultivate a good trading mentality. Be cautious and patient, wait for the best entry time, respond calmly, and do not shake your confidence due to short-term fluctuations. In the trading process, fear, greed and impulse are enemies that we must always be vigilant against. Only by cultivating a peaceful heart and a self-disciplined spirit of abiding by the rules can we remain calm in market turmoil, implement our strategy of making big profits and small losses, and become the real winners in the trading market.



The way to trade is not overnight, but long-term persistence. Keeping in mind the principle of "survival first, big profits and small losses" can not only help you avoid risks and grow steadily in the trading market, but also help you develop a mature and rational investment mentality. It tells us that in this zero-sum game, only by protecting our capital can we have the opportunity to wait for and capture those rare opportunities. As the saying goes, "A drop of water wears away a stone after a long accumulation of strength." Every cautious operation and every strict execution will build the cornerstone of the road to successful trading. This is a cruel market and a battlefield to test human nature, but for those traders who truly understand and practice "survival first, big profits and small losses", this is a paradise for achieving financial freedom.