Only three months later, I came to Thailand again, but this time the bull market was about to reduce production, and the feeling was completely different. This time I met many overseas entrepreneurs and leaders mainly in the capital Bangkok.

It’s not easy to come out, everyone knows. The person who received me was Alpha, which is standard equipment for overseas projects. As soon as I got off the plane, I could smell the scent of essential oils. Miraculously, the cough I had been having in China disappeared on the second day. This time I returned to the mining circle, and the Vietnamese team and the Korean team all gathered here. It seems that mining is very popular at the moment.

Why the jet lag? I don't know much about this. But I know exactly why people have poor information and poor cognition. Everyone's experience and circle lead to completely different thinking habits and even destiny.

Looking back on when I mined Bitcoin ten years ago in 2014, I was a different person and others thought I was crazy. It's a pity that I didn't insist on it all the time. If I had kept digging until now, I would have been able to get a share of Wu Jihan's invisible gold mining empire.

Do you want to hear me talk about money? Still want to hear me talk about beauties? Haha, I am the little bug in your belly, I know you both want it. The market fluctuates at a high level, and the probability of breaking through the previous high and then hitting the top is very high, but this position is not suitable for blind pursuit.


This time I was mainly in Bangkok for business inspection, not for sightseeing. However, last night I still went to take a Thai bath and walk around the legendary Nana Plaza, which was an eye-opener. In fact, I didn't go there accidentally. I was just wandering around a hotel gathering place with many Middle Easterners to get a feel for Dubai in advance.

Unexpectedly, while walking, I arrived at Nana Plaza Japan Street where there are many ladyboys standing on the street smiling and waving to you. There are three floors in a ring here, and each nightclub has a different uniform theme. Although it is not as deafening as Pattaya, the ambiguous atmosphere is already full. However, Bangkok has better appearance and quality than Pattaya, but unfortunately the price is also higher. For example, taking a Thai bath can easily cost more than 3,000 baht, and there are many expensive ones. The Hemashaji Massage Parlor, which is located every three stops on the street, is cheaper, but the price is at least about 2,000 baht. If you are not picky, you can find treasures for up to 1,500 baht.

Brothers, I have made a guide for you again. Why don’t you come to Thailand for vacation? Life is short, and the bull market is not long. Are you like European and American foreigners who have to wait until you are old and unable to walk before you come out to enjoy life? Can you still play at that time?

It is said that this miner project side is quite powerful, and the operation center in Hanoi, Vietnam will be launched soon. A mining machine with a computing power of 100T and a cost of US$1,300 can be borrowed for only 30% of the capital, and you can get a hands-on experience with it for US$390. You can also mine for free for 3 days to deduct the electricity bill. The profit is 50/50, and the electricity bill is paid by myself and the employer. 50% of the commission is used to make the market, with a model and a positive ratio. According to the current pie price, the investment is small and the return is quick. It only takes about three months to get your money back. Due to the added leverage of the loan, I could only buy one machine for 1,300 oil, but now I can buy about three. The miners are in the bank loan business, and I have to say that the project side is very smart.

If you come to Thailand in the future, I highly recommend the massage here, which will allow you to fully relax in one or two hours using Thai or essential oils. The technician also asked me in English: only massage? The lighting was ambiguous and the space was small, although the sound of sex on the bed next door could be clearly heard. She is very beautiful. She told me that she is 28 years old. The exotic Middle Eastern clothes she wears set off her graceful figure. Her eyes are fiery but extremely gentle. Will you fall? Imagine for yourself.

My literary talent is also invincible, but it’s a pity that the lectures are very formal and I can’t talk nonsense. In fact, I am Wu Zongxian’s style, hehehehehe. There is no sense of oppression and suffocation overseas like at home, and you can boldly embrace the freedom of your soul that should belong to you. Students who want to get rich should come to me, but those who cannot bear the investment risks should not come to me. I cannot lead people with a bad mentality. If you can afford it, then play with me again, because I always seek wealth through risk. You don’t even think about it, although Southeast Asia is very good, there are also many desperadoes, but Thailand is relatively safe. Don’t label northern Myanmar in your movie impression. Young people of our generation should venture out more and learn from the spirit of the Chaoshan people and the global development of the Fujian Gang. The driver who received me was a Malaysian Chinese, and the lecturer was from Taiwan. Friendly web3 nomads are still the majority. I won’t write anymore. During your stay in Thailand, you can read this diary in two days. Team leaders who are interested in mining machines, speed assembly number. I let myself go in Southeast Asia, stay away from the Internet, and just want to be quiet. . . . . .