In the trading battlefield, you not only need to master knowledge and strategies, but also be wary of behavioral patterns that may damage your account. Every successful trader understands that profit is not achieved overnight, but a process of avoiding risks and tempering one's mind through countless trading practices. Today, we will reveal seven bad trading behaviors that need to be avoided. They are like traps hidden on the road to trading, threatening your financial security and trading career at all times.

1. Just want to make profits and don’t want to bear losses
Many novice traders often fall into the misunderstanding of "only wanting to see rainbows, not willing to weather storms", focusing only on profit targets but turning a blind eye to potential losses. However, the essence of trading is a game of probability, and profits and losses come from the same source. Only by facing up to and accepting possible losses can we better control risks and achieve long-term and stable profits.

Successful trading is not based on the fantasy of eternal profit, but on the ability to manage risk and reasonably bear losses. Unwillingness to admit and accept losses as an inevitable part of the trading process is a danger signal. Remember, every transaction has risks, and learning to accept and manage losses is a key step towards becoming a mature trader.

2. Seeking quick success and instant benefits while neglecting risk management

The rush for quick results often makes people ignore risk management in trading. Some traders are keen on frequent operations and pursue short-term huge profits, but such trading strategies are often accompanied by extremely high risks. Once the market experiences reverse fluctuations, it is likely to lead to heavy losses.

Trading the market is not a shortcut to get rich quick. Traders eager to make quick profits often adopt overly risky strategies, which can lead to significant losses. A sound trading strategy and patience are the cornerstones of long-term profitability. Develop a long-term mindset and focus on consistent performance rather than short-term fluctuations.

3. Unbearable loneliness and excessive trading

The trading market is changing rapidly, but real opportunities do not always exist. Traders who cannot stand loneliness often lack patience and blindly chase ups and downs, falling into the quagmire of over-trading. You know, knowing how to wait and not trading for the sake of trading are the important qualities of mature traders.

The trading market is full of uncertainty, and sometimes the best strategy is to wait. Frequent trading usually leads to over-trading, increasing transaction costs and reducing the probability of success. Learn to enjoy the process of waiting and take action only when the most advantageous opportunity appears.

4. Good at talking on paper but lacking practical experience

Theoretical knowledge is important, but if you only stay at the theoretical level and do not accumulate experience through actual combat, it is easy to be unable to make any progress in actual operations. Remember, trading is an art of practice. You can only know it by doing it yourself.

Make sure your trading plan and strategy can stand the test of the market. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Constantly practice and improve your execution ability and trading skills.

5. Like to shirk responsibility and refuse to reflect on themselves

When faced with mistakes, some traders tend to blame external factors such as the market and news, but ignore the reflection and correction of their own trading behavior. This mentality of evading responsibility will hinder your progress. Only by taking responsibility and constantly learning lessons from failure can you go further on the road of trading.

6. Revenge against the market and emotional trading
After experiencing consecutive losses, some traders will have a revenge mentality against the market and make impulsive trades by doubling their positions in an attempt to recover their losses in one go. This behavior is tantamount to trying to grab chestnuts from the fire, which will only increase the risk and make the situation worse.

After experiencing a losing streak, some traders may react emotionally and try to "get back" at the market by taking risky trades. This is a road to disaster. Stay calm and rational, and don't let emotions influence your trading decisions.

7. Indulge in fantasy and lose touch with reality

Having too high expectations for trading, blindly immersing oneself in one's own ideal world, and ignoring the analysis and judgment of the real market trend are also taboos in trading. It is wise to look at the market rationally and formulate strategies based on data and facts.

Overly optimistic expectations and unrealistic goals will lead to unrealistic trading behavior. Trading is a rigorous activity that requires making decisions based on market analysis and actual conditions. Be realistic, set achievable goals, and develop plans to achieve them.


Trading is a highly specialized job, which requires us to have strict discipline, firm psychological quality and solid professional knowledge. Identifying and avoiding these bad trading behaviors is a task that every trader must complete. Only by cultivating a good trading mentality, mastering scientific risk management methods, and adhering to rational decision-making can we continue to move forward steadily on this stage full of opportunities and challenges.