You can earn a small goal without any effort. Isn't it annoying!

Many people now think, wow, the bull market is coming, but I don't have any coins.

Then someone said; Alas, if I am given another chance, I will definitely sell my house to buy at the bottom. As a result, the bull market has come, but the house has not been sold yet!


Let's see what happens next. I am not bragging↓

There is no limit to comparing people. What is there to be anxious about? Anxiety is meaningless.

Let's not talk about other things. My friend has 8,000 strk accounts, each account is at least 1,500u, and each coin is airdropped 100 million.

Do you think this is the upper limit?

His OP airdrop is 100 million, and ARB airdrop is 100 million. He has made 400 to 500 million just by airdrops! ! !

I don't know when ZK will issue coins, and it is estimated that it will still be 100 million per coin.

How do you compare?

It's best not to compare.

But what if you feel uncomfortable when you see it? Just close your eyes and don't look at it.

Trading is introspective. Read more books, learn more, and be yourself.

Face what has happened calmly, and be prepared for what will happen in the future. That's it.

Look forward.

It is normal not to make money for a while. Trading is like this. You often can't make money.

In fact, it only takes a wave of luck to get rich through trading.

It's good to catch a wave. 99.9% of people can't catch a wave in their lifetime.

You are lucky every day and make money every day. Why don't you become the richest man in the world?

But can you know the difference between you and such people?

Do you know why he can do it and you can't?

Do you know that he is most excited at three or four in the morning?

Do you know that he may stare at the computer screen for more than 20 hours a day?

Remember, many people's real money is hard behind the hard work, which also includes his cognition, information gap, pattern, political awareness, reverse thinking, blessings, virtues and so on. Okay, let's stop here? If you don't want to be the first again, you have to look inward. Many people see someone around them getting rich again, and you will find that they always make excuses for themselves (saying that others are lucky, saying that they are blind, etc.). Such people are typical SBs.

Why do I work so hard every day? I just want to tell everyone that in the Dharma Ending Age after 2024, those who accumulate virtue will win! That's why I want more people to see my article!
