Can RLC AI+ super computing power explode? !

iExec is the first virtual cloud resource marketplace. iExec provides distributed applications running on blockchains (DApps) that are scalable, secure, and easy to access required services, data sets, and computing resources. RLC is a token issued by the iExec cloud platform and can be used to rent servers, data and applications.

1. Project introduction

iExec cloud computing is the world's first distributed cloud computing platform that provides an innovative business model of secure "data leasing". iExec cloud computing organizes a market network by combining technologies such as distributed computing, blockchain consensus and TEE (Trusted Execution Environment), which not only allows data providers to monetize their data in the safest environment, but also brings benefits to enterprises More possibilities for business extension provide new innovative business models and provide the driving force for subverting the existing data ecosystem.

Project Features

iExec cloud computing is a blockchain + cloud computing project from France. The founders are all from the French National Institute of Computer Science (INRIA). It began to rise in 2017 and was selected as one of the top 100 European start-ups by Red Herring Magazine in May 2018. . iExec implements distributed cloud computing through blockchain technology to provide a blockchain-based distributed cloud resource trading market. It uses blockchain to organize a market network where everyone can profit by renting out their computing resources, applications and data sets.

iExec provides a trading platform for cloud computing resources, while supporting a wide range of application scenarios with the highest computing intensity in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, financial technology or 3D rendering. Currently, iExec has cooperated with large Internet companies such as Intel, IBM, Alibaba, Ubisoft, and Tongfang Youyun, and is committed to building an ecosystem for global sharing of cloud computing power.

‎‎Artificial intelligence training models are a good example of data sets that can be rented and monetized on the iExec cloud computing platform. These datasets are extremely valuable, but their development consumes a lot of time, money, and data. On the iExec cloud computing platform, valuable and sensitive data like this can be monetized through leasing and applied in various industries ranging from healthcare to fintech to cybersecurity.